Chapter 18

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Sorry in advance for the continuing drama in this chapter and yet another cliffhanger...but it is necessary for the plot, I promise!! I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying this story. Just a  few more chapters to go...


"Let me out of this fucking house," Joe heard himself snarl at his producer, who was stood in front of him in the foyer of the house, an apprehensive look on his face.

"Joe, you know we can't - " Ben started, before Joe interrupted.

"Yes you can, and you will."

Ben took in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose between his two fingers. Slowing exhaling, he finally spoke again. "No, I actually can't. You signed a contract."

"Then I'll break the contract," Joe responded in a low voice. "I'll do whatever I need to."

"You can't Joe, there's serious money tied into these contracts to ensure things like this DON'T happen. If you bail before the end of the show, you will be out millions. Do you understand? Millions."

Joe felt his heart begin to slow down as the realization of his situation sank in. He knew he had signed a contract, but his manager was the one who dealt with the details. Plus, he remembered thinking while signing it, who would ever need to leave the Oasis Island house early?

"Someone who just told a girl he loved her, only to turn around and realize she loves someone else,"Joe thought to himself bitterly.

Joe felt Ben place a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Look mate. I know you just went through some heavy shit back there...but you need to go confront Marco."

Feeling his head snapping up, Joe stared at Ben with a confused look on his face. "Why would I confront Marco? He's probably just as taken aback as I am."

"Why wouldn't you confront him? He just came in and stole your girl!" Ben exclaimed, squeezing Joe's shoulder slightly.

Joe stared at the ground, his producer's words grating on him more than he thought they would. "I'm not about to go make a fool of myself in front of the entire house...scratch that, the entire country."

"No, don't you see?" Ben started excitedly. "This is your chance!"

He continued on as Joe stared at him blankly. "This is your chance to get out there and create some on-camera excitement! Honestly, I was about to give up on you...the last three weeks you and Dianne have been...sweet, I guess. But this new twist has come out of left field and I can't believe how amazing this opportunity is!"

Joe felt the anger course through his veins, once again. "I'm not your dancing monkey, Ben! I'm not here to put on a show just to make you happy!"

Ben rolled his eyes, and Joe felt himself clench his fists. It was all becoming clearer to him.

"Dianne's producer did her best to get some drama to heat up between you two...thrown competitions, binge drinking in the afternoon...but I must say, this last twist has put you guys on another level," Ben continued, unfazed by the redness spreading from Joe's neck up to his face.

Suddenly, it all clicked. Turning on his heel, he spun away from his producer, but not before spitting out, "I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I trusted anyone here."


"Dianne, take a breath," Marisol sighed in a bored tone. "I can't understand you when you talk and cry at the same time."

Dianne took in a trembling breath, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head that had appeared after the second hour of crying in a row. After Joe had stormed inside, she didn't know where to go so she had retreated to the side of the mansion, collapsing in the shade behind the trunk full of pool accessories. It had taken her producer over an hour to locate her, and somewhere beyond her feelings of hurt and anger, she was proud of her ability to hide in a place where the walls felt like they were closing in. 

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