How can I be a hero, if all I am is a villain?

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[Chapter One]

I stealthy slide down the drop hole in the roof of the biggest museum in Central City. Underneath me is a large collection of jewels and expensive antiques. I slide right through the laser beams around the most expensive item in the world, the Autumn Ruby. I have been studying and planning this heist for over 6 months.

I cut a hole in the glass and reach in my bag for a rock that weighs as much as the ruby. For the weight pressure of course. I'm no rookie. No matter how many times Flash has tried to catch me, he always fails. I'm using a rock because I want people to know their ruby has been stolen and that their precious Flash has failed to catch me again.

On the rock, I carved in the stupid name Vibe came up for me. Element. It's pretty basic. I just wish I could see his face when I mock him with a rock. I quickly switch the rock and the ruby. There was a slight millisecond where there was no weight on the pressure sensor but their technology is too stupid to detect the change.

I gaze at the orange and red ruby with my bright violet eyes before quickly slipping it in my bag. I hear a small shuffling of feet with my highly sensitive ears. A normal person wouldn't be able to detect if but then again, I'm not a normal person. I could be recognized by my violet eyes but my raven hair and pale skin would be unnoticeable especially since I wore a black bodysuit and study black boots, knives on every part of my body.

I grab a razor sharp, but lean and long knife from the inside of my sleeve. It's like that because it's best at being thrown extremely accurate and it could easily kill a person with its edge.

Judging by the almost silent movements, the guard is short and skinny. I'm guessing he's about 4'11. I wait until I hear his footsteps one more time so I can pinpoint where he is and kill him silently. Then I throw the knife and smile when I hear a grunt when the guard got hit.

Unfortunately, the guard ripped out the knife when he died so when he fell forward, dead, the knife slipped from his grasp and sent off the laser alarm. Bright lights shine in my face and I yank on the rope leading to the roof.

The contraption I set up on the roof began pulling me up just as guards piled into the room. I flash them a wide smile and they began shooting at me. But I'm up and out of there in no time.

I get on the roof but to my surprise, there was a man in a long brown trench coat. I reach for another knife to easily deal with him but the man points a wide gun at my face. It blinded me with a bright light and then everything when black.


When I woke up, I was on a rooftop of what looked like Star City. I hear groaning and movement beside me. "What a headache," yelled a burly, bald man who I recognized as Mick Rory, partners with Leonard Snart, who are petty thieves. I've run into then once or twice which only ended with them unconscious on the floor.

"Stein? What the hell are you doing here?" Leonard asked with a groan.

"I'm as ignorant as you for once," Stein replied.

Leonard glanced over and locked eyes with me. "Well if it isn't Element," Leonard snarked and glared at me. But I noticed the fascination in his eyes. Probably at my violet eyes. "You wanna end up dead this time Snart?" I give him an evil smile.

"Guys shut the hell up," Mick replied while Leonard just winked at me. I narrow my eyes but decide to ignore Snart.

"Where are we?" Sara questioned, slightly groggy. I take inventory of everyone on the roof. There's nine of us: Me, Leonard, Mick, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Jefferson Jackson, Martin Stein, Kendra Saunders, and Carter Hall. I could kill them all easily with my eyes closed.

Elemental Control: A DC Legends of Tomorrow FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now