Somethings are Worth Remembering

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[Chapter 6]

"Well, I'm really glad you were the one calling the shots," I heard Ray comment sarcastically to Snart as I walk back to the ship. More like dragging myself to the ship. My head is still pounding and I'm soaking wet from the water but I don't dare use my powers in case they decide to go crazy.

"I had it under control until the Professor started picking fights with the PLO," Leonard said in his defense.

"You let your ego endanger our entire mission," Carter added.

"No, Mr. Rory's temper got completely out of control," Stein retorted, trying to keep the blame off of him.

"I thought we were friends, Professor," Mick pouted fakely.

"At least there's one less nuclear bomb on the planet," Kendra said trying to keep the peace just as I reach the bridge where they were all arguing.

"What happened to you?" Carter asked pointedly to my half-drowned, burned and exhausted look.

"Let's just say, I blew up the bomb on an island and absorbed the energy so it wouldn't kill us all and in the process, destroying whatever control I have over myself. So just don't get me mad," I explain briefly.

"Now I am going to head to my room and change my clothes and dry my hair," I say tiredly as I shuffle toward my room.

"Let me help you!" Ray and Jax said simultaneously while Leonard and Mick came over to my side and helped support me.

I tried to push them off but I was too weak to succeed. 

"I have legs for a reason. I can walk by myself. Plus, I don't wanna accidentally set one of you on fire or something," I say while Sara snorts.

I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Rip, who was leaning against the wall and clapping.

"Here, here. Now you all deserve a hearty congratulation. Not only did you fail to capture Savage, but you also exposed yourselves and your powers to him, giving away the element of surprise for now and all time. Well done, team," Rip said sarcastically.

"We don't need the element of surprise. We know he's in Norway, so let's find him..." Carter stated until Rip interrupted.

"Unfortunately, we now have larger problems than Savage. If only you had listened to me about the dangers of upsetting the timeline," Rip said hitting the chair annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" Kendra asked.

"While you were busy saving Norway from nuclear annihilation..." Rip started.

"You're welcome, Norway," I state, slightly annoyed.

"Savage sent one of his cronies back to the site of the arms sale. Anyone care to guess what he found?" Rip asked and Ray looked at his suit and realized a part was missing.

"Whoops," Ray simply said which makes me want to punch him.

"I am unversed in modern American colloquialisms is 'whoops' slang for 'Oh shit'?' Gideon asked.

"Yes. Dr. Palmer seemed to have thrown a spanner in the works for the entire timeline," Rip stated.

"Come again?" Leonard asked as I grow tired and use Leonard and Mick as my support. I don't think I can stand for much longer but I won't admit that. Leonard notices me leaning on him more so he brings me to a chair with Mick helping.

I sigh in relief at sitting down and I close my eyes and rest my head on my arm.

"Armed with Dr. Palmer's future technology, Savage's engineers develop a weapon far more destructive than anything here in 1975. This is Central City in 2016. At least it was. I'm not sure what the neo-fascists who took control of it are calling it these days," Rip explained as a hologram of a destroyed city appeared on the table.

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