Fighting Savage

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[Chapter 7]

I left my room and headed into the bridge where I hear Rip shouting at the other members of the team. I am completely dried off and in a pretty good mood after I finished my entry in my journal. My headache has subsided but it's still lightly there.

"Oh, wonderful. Another unauthorized passenger. That worked out so splendidly last time." Rip continued ranting. 

"It's all right. He was just leaving." Martin replied making Rip huff with annoyance.

"I'll show you out," Jax told the younger Stein. 

"So, have we met before? In a manner of speaking. Have a wonderful life, Martin. I mean that sincerely." Martin told his younger self.

"I'm not even going to ask," I say as I plop down on one of the chairs.

"Captain Hunter, we're getting an incoming call Mr. Snart on Mr. Rory's comm unit," Gideon informed. 

"On speaker." Rip instantly commanded. 

"I'll make this short. The owner of the mansion we burgled is Vandal Savage. He's really interested in meeting you guys, especially our feathered friends." Leonard yelled frantically before getting cut off.

"They have the dagger," I said. 

"And Savage has them." Sara pointed out. 

"Doesn't matter. Just get me close enough, and I'll do what needs to be done." Carter vowed.

"Gideon, take us to them now!" Rip yelled as the rest of the team raced into their seats.


"Your friends are cowards," Savage sneered as he aimed a gun at Mick's head. 

"They'll be here." Ray insisted. 

"They're taking too long. They need an incentive," Savage said slightly impatient, about to pull the trigger when a blast of fire shot at him causing him to recoil from Mick. Everyone's heads snapped upwards to see Firestorm and I standing on the balcony above.

I flip onto the floor as Savage looks at Firestorm in awe and glee.

"The burning man." Vandal smiled. 

"I don't just burn, pal. I blast things too." Jax told him before firing a blast at Savage that sent him hurtling across the room. The force of the blast caused Savage to smash right into a brick wall. Rocks crashed into his back as he landed harshly on the cold wet ground.

"You good?" I asked Mick, helping him up.

"I'm pissed!" Mick exclaimed angerly.

"Stand back," Jax told Ray and Snart before he blasted the cage door open.

"Cmon teams outside," I smiled to the annoyed criminal duo. 

"You think that pathetic blast could beat me? I am Vandal-" Savage's roar was cut off as electricity hurled at him sending him flying backward again this time hitting his head against a metal bar. A gash opened up at the side of his forehead. 

"We should get moving." Ray urged. 

"It's all good. Savage is down." Jax said as the five of us met up with the rest of the team. 

"Savage is not defeated by earthly means," Carter responded. 

"Well, I hit him with a nuclear blast and Isabelle shocked him pretty good so, you know, not that earthly." Jax shot back.

"Let's go get that son of a bitch," Snart growled, completely pissed off.

"Are you ready to end this?" Carter asked Kendra.

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