Sleepover (byler)

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Fire on Fire by sam smith was my inspiration for this♡

    It was a Friday afternoon in Hawkins Indiana and the party was getting ready for their first sleepover together. Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin have had sleepovers together but Max  and El haven't joined them because of Hopper not letting El leave the house and Billy just being an asshole like always. It has been 1 year of El in hiding and Hopper has finally agreed to let her join the rest of the party. Max is just planning and sneaking out since billy partys 24/7 on the weekends, he shouldn't even notice her missing.

Mike was in his basement setting up the snacks and games when he heard the doorbell ring. "MICHAEL GET THE DOOR" Ted yelled from his lazy-boy. "COMING" Mike called back slightly annoyed and surprised his father wasn't asleep or eating chicken. Mike set the last of the snacks down and ran up the stairs. When he opened the door he was suprised to see just Will standing there. Mike stepped one foot out of the door looking around to find the rest of the part but they weren't there. "Oh yeah Lucas and Dustin told me they were coming a little bit later because they had to fix Dustin's bike and I guess El and Max are on their way you're not mad are you?" Will said noticing mike slightly annoyed and nervouse face.

      Shit since I have started feeling a certain way about Will I have avoided being alone with  him. WHAT AM I GONNA DO?  SHIT SHIT SHIT. CALM DOWN WHEELER just relax it's not like you like him the way you like El right!? No you do like him that way-MORE than that way, not even El makes your stomach fill with butterflies the way Will does, El doesn't make you smile like he does- nobody does, I don't think of how El's lips feel against mine but I do wills, I don't think about how perfectly our hands would interlace but I do mine and Will's hands and I also know you don't feel like everything is okay and you could stay in that moment forever unfazed and in love when your eyes meet your best friends. OH GOD I THINK IM IN LOVE WITH WILL BYERS MY BEST FRIEND SINCE KINDERGARTEN.

   Hello? Hello? EARTH TO MIKE . Mike then snapped out of his thoughts  quickly. "No Im not mad why would you say that?" Mike blurted out as he smiled and laughed his thoughts off. "Okay just checking you seemed a little weird" Will say while laghing and stepping inside. "Okay what do you wanna do first?" Mike asked while they walked down the steps towards the basment. "Tv?" Will suggested. "Sounds good" mike said as he went to grab the remote so did Will their hands on top of eachother.

     "Uhh oh sorry you can turn it on" Will blurted out, at the same time mike was barely able to get a sentence out but managed to say"yo- you can do it I uhh umm Sorry" Will and Mike both looked at eachother and gazed into each other's dark and honey eyes. In that moment they both felt the attitude of the room change it was now not 2 best friends but 2 Lovers that were afraid of saying it. "Will I-" Mike began but Will cut him off by leaning in and Connecting their lips. It was fire on fire, the passion and Love was radiating from them. They grabbed on to eachother gently pulling each other as close as physically possible. Wills hands were resting around mikes neck with Mikes hands on Wills waist pulling him close hoping this moment would last forever. Then what felt like a second later but was really over 30 seconds they both pulled away for air resting their forheads on each others. "Wow that was" "Incredible" Will said finishing mike's sentence.  "Yeah it was" Mike panted out of breath.

    "Will byers you are sensational, you make me feel like I am unstoppable and like everything's okay, you make my worst days happier and the best days better you light up every room you walk into and not to mention the endless butterflies that fill me when I see you." Mike said Lovingly while looking into will's honey brown eyes.

    " Mike wheeler you are astonishing. You are my person and you truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me. There is not enough words in the dictionary to describe how you make me feel. Whenever we touch even if it was just accidentally grabbing the same object the room lights up with passion and our need for eachother. I want you- I want us" Will gushed glad that Mike feels the same way .

    "I've wanted to ask this for years and I can't believe I finally have the courage to do this but here goes nothing Mike wheeler will you be my boyfriend?" Will asked with a beaming smile. "Yes YES of course I will I love you" Mike responded with tears of joy in his eyes. "I love you too Mike" will said as Mike leaned in for another kiss this one was shorter but sweeter than the first, as they both kissed knowing this was just the beginning of a beautiful thing called Byler. Mike and Will then spent the next couple hours cuddling on the couch waiting for their friends to show up. 

   "MICHAEL THE DOOR" Ted called out "OKAY" mike yelled back. "I'll be back okay?" He said to Will while untangling their legs and hands from eachother. Will nodded back to Mike. Then Mike walked up the steps, opened the door and led all 4 of his unsuspecting friends downstairs.

     When they got to the basment Will walked up to Mike and they both kissed eachother softly while pulling eachother close. "What just happened!?" Max and El say jinxing eachother. "Holy shit" Dustin chimed in. Lucas couldn't comprehend this so he just stood there in shock. While Mike and Will just stood there looking at eachother while laughing with their hands wrapped around each other's waists. "Yeah so umm we're dating now" Mike said to his friends who just stood there in shock. "Aww thats so cute" El says while running up to hug them both. "Wait.... your ship names Byler so cute!" Max adds in while joining the hug. "You guys are perfect for each other Lucas added while bear hugging everyone. "AWW you guys how long have you two been dating?" Dustin asks before completing the group hug. "2 hours" Will says while laghing at all of his friends and his boyfriend hugging.  Then they all watched movies and ate snacks with Mike and Will holding hands and cuddling the entire time.

                          THE END

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! I know it was bad but I enjoyed writing it and comment more suggestions for me to write about:) ♡ 1,174 words

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