Above the Atlantic II

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Peter's POV:

In the back of the airplane, James was giving us the instructions for serving dinner. As we were expecting, I was staying with Club World, Marnie with World Traveller Plus and Daniel and Catherine with World Traveller. It would be my first time alone with Club World. It was a huge responsibility because those people have paid a lot for those kind of comfort.

Something was going on with Catherine. Her hazel-nut eyes had a little shine in the right corner. She's definitely a pretty girl. We had been together once in a flight to LA about a month ago. While Catherine walked down the a380 aisle, her hair moved with her hips, falling from side to side showing a real woman. This was our second flight and she had a different look in her eyes. I couldn't understand it, but it was comprehensible, once everything in this flight was strange.

I moved to Club World and started to deliver the menus. 32 people was waiting to be served and treated as different. The Club World included dishes composed by ingredients from all around the world. While I was doing this, a woman in place 4C asked me:

"Excuse me sir, what would you choose? If you don't mind answering, of course!"

"Of course not, madame. If I were you, I'd start with the classic smoked Shetland salmon tartare with pickled cucumber and radish salad. To keep with classics, I'd choose the seared fillet of British beef with barbeque sauce, spicy potato wedges and Mediterranean vegetables. The salad is also served with a Mediterranean vinaigrette. For desert, I'd pick the dark chocolate fondant with caramel centre and caramel sauce. It's one of our best deserts and chosen by almost everyone in Club World. Have I pleased you, madame?" I answered asking her.

"Indeed Mr. Hudson..." she tried to pronounce the name in my card "you sure have!"

"Can I serve you a Martini, Miss..."

"Long, Mrs. Long. But you can call me Lisa! And yes, that Martini sounds great!"

"Mrs. Long, I'll bring you that in a few minutes. Do you need anything else?" I kept on trying to please her the most.

"No, thank you very much Mr.Hudson."

I walked apart from her, keeping on noting orders and advising passengers. In the end, I went to the area where I'd prepare everything. As I was placing the starters in the clay dishes, I heard some steps towards me.

"Mr. Peter Hudson, I'm sorry I had to lie to you. My name is Lisa Long and I'm a detective for British Airways Human Resources." she said while pushing the curtain "You may know what I'm investigating in these specific cabin crew, don't you?"

"If you allow me, I don't really know, because we are three different stewards crews plus the pilots. Me, Marnie and James, Daniel, Catherine. I'm sorry, but I don't know!" I replied trembling while thinking that she might know it all.

"There was no strike. I'm here to investigate if some of you are violating a rule, which I'll quote "All cabin crew members that are caught having sexual relationships with each other or with passengers during flights, will get sacked and pay a 10000£ penalty for moral damage.". Are you aware of anyone in this condition?"

"No Mrs. Long. I don't know and I'm not liking it. If you don't mind I got to take care of true passengers, excuse me!" I answered while stared at her.

I had to warn Marnie not to do it anymore in this flight. But I couldn't do it because Long was controlling me. I needed to tell her but not know. I would have to wait for our rest shift.


Two hours passed and all passengers had been served. The moon was high in the sky and I had to prepare some beds in Club World. When I got to 4C, I told Long that we were going to change shifts and James would replace me. And so I headed to our rest area.

Daniel's POV:

We had finished giving pillows and blankets faster than Peter. Finnaly I could spent some time alone with Marnie. She was in her bed.

"Marnie, do you want to chat a bit?" I tried to get her next to me.

"Yes Daniel, I'd love to. Can I join you?" she answered the way I wanted, and so she moved next to me. "So tell me Daniel, can I call you Dani?"

"Indeed,Marnie. You can. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Newcastle Upon Tyne, in the North. And you?"

"Dover, in the south. I live quite close to France. In New year's eve, I can see people in France firing fireworks and when the weather is very clear, I can see the landscape of France."

"It sounds beautiful! I'd love to go there once."

"Maybe I can you there this Christmas."

"Maybe..." she said while biting her lips. "And girlfriends Dani?"

"None. Looking forward to get one. Who knows?! She might be in this flight."

"Do you believe in love at first sight Dani?"

"I believe that, when the universe was formed, there was atoms that stick together. Soulmates are those two atoms that stocked together and now are together again. It's destiny. Life is journey we do together." I said as her eyes browsed my face and my body.

I was enjoying that moment alone with Marnie. She was enjoying it also, at least it seemed. Everytime I looked at her, either she was staring at me or blushing. She looked as if she was liking our conversation.

"Marnie, tell me something about you. I feel like I've been always talking and you haven't said nothing"

"About me, well. There's nothing that important for you to know."

"Oh, tell me a secret about you."

"A secret about me. But you got to promise me you won't tell anybody, you promise?"

"Wait 5 minutes please, Marnie."

And so, I went to grab a knife. I had to conquer that girl, and I would do anything and everything for it.

"I promise you Marnie, believe me."

And as the blade cut my skin to my flesh, blood started to raise and Marnie grab also the knife and cut her hand. We shook them and Marnie kissed me. Her soft lips touching mine, the change of love and blood, the mix of two spirits.

"Marnie. Why?"

"You're the kindest guy I have ever met, being in this flight with you is amazing. Your words melt me and make me feel complete." She said while grabbing my hands and holding them tight to her chest.

And we kissed, a kiss that took more than a life, a kiss that united two humans, the two primordial atoms.

"I've only known you for a couple hours, Marnie, but you're the yang for my yin, the helium to my sun, the oxygen for my lungs. It sounds desperate, but I know you more than you think. When I arrived to Heathrow, I almost saw you every week and expected to be able to fly with. There I was when you landed from JFK, Toronto, I was always waiting for you to land, to make sure you were fine. You may not remember, but the first time I saw you was when I entered British Airways and you trained me and the rest of the class. I was the shy guy in the back, the one with the lower grades in the exam, but here am I. Flying across the world, no one can stop me now. And you can't be stopped either."

"Oh Daniel..."

And she kissed me again. But this kiss was better than the other. It tranismited passion, excitement, love.

"Possess me Daniel. I want to make love with words, I want to receive your love, your knowledge, no matter what."

"But we can't do it here Marnie. It's against the rules!"

"Peter is always saying me that. Don't be Peter! Do me!"

"Marnie, you're desirable, unreachable, you're in the highest pedestal of beauty. You deserve better"

And she made me shut while kissing my lips and starting to undress my white shirt. Her fingers went on and on until reaching the bottom, unplugging the buttons of it and the button of my trousers. I needed to do something, so I started pushing her blouse out, but she stopped. She pulled me against the bed while she sat on my hips and undressed her blouse. My shirt and trousers were off, her blouse off also.

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