Chapter 2

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Unpacking wasn't hard, didn't have a lot of stuff to bring with me, but that was ok because it was a small room. There was a twin size bed in the corner that I had covered with my brand new sheets; mother had splurged and gotten the nice ones that were purple with little yellow sun patterns on them. there was a small bookshelf along the same wall that was turned to face the door with a little window in-between it and the bed. I had filled the bookshelves with my school textbooks and a few books from home and of course my little plushie, pascal. There was still a lot of space left on the bookshelf but I had a whole year here so it gave me time to find things to fill it up. Across from that was the bathroom, it was small too with just enough space to take a baby step from the sink to the bathtub/shower with the toilet and toilet paper dispenser in between. Mother had let me take the shower curtain from home to have privacy; it was a little disturbing to think the someone would walk in my room to see me while I shower, mother says girls are just as dangerous as boys. My bedroom floor was carpet, a soft brown color, and across from my bed was a little desk with a chair in front of it, obviously for the use of studying or other school work. The room seemed to have all of the basics, except an outlet of course. I had searched the whole room and even the bathroom but there wasn't a single outlet to be found, I could only assume this was to keep teenagers from being on their phones all night. Honestly the lack of plugs didn't bother me, mother never let me keep a cell phone, but that did mean I would have to sit in the communal area in order to use my sketchpad. The final object in my room was a small chest of drawers, the top drawer was already filled with school uniforms in my size, we had provided the sizes as requested. I had filled the rest with my clothes from home.

"Where the hell are the outlets in my room!" a voice shouted and I jumped, mother didn't shout much so I wasn't used to the noise, there were murmured responses before footsteps led to my door.

Angry footsteps.

A harsh knock had me wanting to run away and leave whatever angry beast was outside, outside. Mother, would have faced the angry beast for me, but mother wasn't here so I straightened my posture and headed to the door. I opened it slowly to see a girl about my height standing there, her skin was slightly pail as if she occasionally saw the sun but not enough to get tan. Her hair was pulled tight against her head in a bun that made the individual strands look like one good tug would pull them out of her scalp. She was wearing a black slacks with purple flats peeking out and a purple blouse completed the outfit.

"hey, um," she leaned back a bit so she could see the name on my door, "Rapunzel, you wouldn't happen to have an outlet in your room do you?" I opened my mouth to inform her I didn't but she didn't stop

"Cuz I really need a room with an outlet, you do not want to see my hair if I can't blow dry it in the morning, so on the assumption that you did could we switch rooms so I could have your outlet?"

I was amazed, she said that all in one breath and didn't seem winded from it at all. I went to inform her of my lack of outlets again but once again before I could speak a voice spoke for me

"Would you stop bullying the poor girl, she doesn't have to give up her room just because you will have a bad hair day without your blowdryer" I stepped slowly into the hallway connecting to the communal room to see my defender. She was an asian girl with long dark hair, she wore a white tank top with a red and tan dragon jacket over it. Her legs were covered with blue skinny jeans with holes in the knees with red vans on her feet. She stood with her feet braced apart, hands on her hips and a glare on her face. The girl before me rolled her eyes

"Cool it Jackie Chan, I was just asking her a question" she said and I winced, I didn't get out much but even I knew that was derogatory towards asians.

"Excuse me?!?!" my defender shrieked and I winced at the pitch in her voice

"Your excused" the girl before me said smugly before turning back to me, leaving my defender to fume behind her. "Sorry if I came off as rude, my name is Valeria Rose" she extended her hand and I reached out to shake it

"Rapunzel, and no, Im sorry but I don't have any outlets in my room" I said.

"Pity" she murmured and went to turn away when the bedroom door next to mine opened up and my last roommate came out. She was slender with a black cocktail dress on, a lime green chocker around her neck, and purple bird shaped earrings. Her hair was in a strange up style that made it look as if two horns were coming out of her head instead of hair. She was looking right at me with a smug look on her face.

"Careful roomie, I hear the evil queen is on the prowl today" she said and Valeria's face turned red

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" she shouted and I paled and stepped back as the horrible beast that had knocked on my door made a reappearance.

"Dont worry," a voice said making me jump and turn to see my defender from earlier standing next to me "I won't let the evil queen and Maleficent bully you." I glanced at Valeria and our other roommate, Maleficent, before turning back to her

"So your, Mulan then?" I asked and she nodded

"Pleased to meet you" she shouted to be heard over the bickering that Valeria and Maleficent were taking part in. I winced wanting desperately to sneak back in my room and comfort myself with some music and my sketchpad, however, since they occasionally turned to me for input on whatever they were arguing about it didn't appear I would be going anywhere soon.

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