August 11th, 2019

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Dear Adam,

Listen, I want you to know, this isn't your fault. That probably won't help, but it's true. If I'm being completely honest, you were the main reason I even kept breathing for this long. You supported me through everything and were always there for me. You were the best brother I could've ever asked for. Do you remember when you took me to the water park? We spent the whole day together, laughing and joking. That was before things got back. If I could ask anything of you, it would be for you to remember me that way. When you think of me, that's how I want you to. As happy, smiling, and full of joy. I don't want you to remember me as the closeted shut-in who never left her room. That's not the legacy I want to leave behind, no matter how truthful it may be. I'm sorry for everything. I wasn't the best sister, not by a long shot, but I tried. I wish I could've been better, could've been there for you. I wish that day at the water park that we didn't have to pretend to be dating each other's partners. I wish I'd been there to see you come out as gay and I wish I'd been able to come out. But at this point, I know that I won't live long enough to see you come out, let alone to come out myself. And for that, I apologize. I know I've been a failure and disappointment of a little sister, but I hope that I made you happy, at least for a while. 18 years, to be exact. To be honest, I don't know how you'll take my suicide. But just know that I love and care for you, more than I cared for myself, clearly. You were amazing and this wasn't your fault. I'm sorry and I love you.


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