August 12th, 2019

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Dear Mom,

I'm sorry. For this. And for everything else. I wasn't the best daughter. I was distant and I didn't open up to you, and maybe if I did, then this whole thing could've been prevented. But it's too late now. I've made up my mind. And there's honestly nothing that can change it. I want you to know that, much like in my brother's case, this wasn't your fault. You loved me unconditionally and I'm sorry for the pain I've inevitably caused you. If there was another way, I would take it, just to spare you the heartbreak. But there isn't. Not at this point. And I'm sorry. Truly. Watch over Adam. He'll need you in this time, and you'll need him too. I love you so much; you've always been there for me. And I'm sorry I couldn't do the same. I did for 18 years, and I can't take it anymore. This is selfish and cowardly, and yet, it's the only way. Do me a favor. I know you'll cry when you see my arms. They're scarred and may even have fresh ones on the day I do this. I know you're going to cry, so my favor is this: Start checking Adam's arms. You'll be paranoid already, so that might be second nature to you to do, but in case it's not, I'm reminding you. Please make sure Adam lives. He has his whole life ahead of him; so much to live for. I don't have that. Besides, there's not a lot of people that will miss me anyway. Please make sure these letters get to the people they're addressed to. Adam can take care of the people at school. I need you to handle the others. Again, I love you, more than you know, and I'm so sorry it had to end this way. Stay strong.


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