Eternal Sleep (1)

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(Third Person POV.)

Lucy was talking to Natsu and Mavis before stumbling. Natsu asked if she was okay, to which she responded with, "Yes." But then her eyes grew lifeless and cold. Her outstretched arm trying to grab onto anything- unsuccessful. She quietly whispered a small, "I'm sorry." Before smiling, and falling into eternal sleep.

"Lucy! Wake up!" Natsu yelled.

No response came from the Celestial Spirit Mage.

It was almost as if she was dead. Mavis, Happy and Natsu knew she wasn't.

Black ice and air circled around Lucy. Even getting close to her would be enough for the ice and air to repel whoever was coming near. It effectively repelled Natsu, knocking him back and hitting the Fairy Sphere. The sphere wavered temporarily revealing the dark blue sea in which they were encased.

"What- What was that? It felt almost felt like Acnologia himself..." Natsu pondered over the air and ice keeping Lucy from harm. He walked until he was about 10 feet away from Lucy. He'd get closer, but the mysterious force protecting her would not allow him to get any closer.

Mavis sighs. "I... I don't know, Natsu," Mavis looks the sleeping blond-haired mage worriedly. Mavis gets an idea, although a crazy one, and steps toward Lucy.

Each step was harder to take than the last. The air tried seemingly desperately to repel Mavis while the ice formed a barrier around Lucy.

"Evil Magic... Chaos..." Mavis muttered in pure shock.

"This air... it feels like the purest condensation of evil." And Zeref... It gives an aura similar to Zeref... why? Mavis thought as her eyes narrowed as the air constantly repelled her. "This air... it feels like evil black magic... but how? Lucy has a pure heart of light, like the sun..." Mavis murmurs to herself but shakes her head to get rid of the thoughts swimming in her head.

"That's what you think." A mysterious voice laughed.

"Who's there?!" Natsu shouted. He angrily glared around for the voice's owner.

The voice let out another small laugh. "Hah. She's more evil than you think, Natsu Dragneel. Haven't you realized? Good is easily tainted by evil."

"Luce isn't like that!" Natsu yells. "And she never will be!"

"Such a laugh! What she truly wants is Chaos and Destruction... Not this silly so-called 'peace'!" The voice booms above the trio.

"Lucy would never wish for that! She loves the guild, and she loves the guild being at peace! I know from watching the guild this whole time!" Mavis yells at the voice.

As if beckoned by someone's call, Lucy picks herself up the ground.

"Everything... we owe it all to E.N.D..." Lucy says, while her eyes and voice are devoid of emotion, life. She continues, "What this world truly needs to realize how ungrateful they are, and how they need to keep what they hold dear close to them... we need destruction..." Lucy mutters. Her chocolate-brown eyes slowly turn gray.

"See?! She's even saying it! You are foolish to not believe it!" The voice once again laughs.

"Shut up! You know nothing about our Luce!" Natsu shouts at the voice.

"But instead I know everything. What she's been doing. Every year, week, day, minute, down to the seconds and milliseconds." The voice scoffs.

"...And why would you know that, are you a pervert or something?" Natsu crosses his arms.

"..." The voice grows silent. It seemed stunned by the sudden revelation of how something like that could be perverted.

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