Alakitasia (4)

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Read if you want to. I personally do not like this chapter, I think past me focused too much on a comedic side... basically with magical powers of Teleportation™ Zeref and Lucy manage to go to Alakitasia where they end up in Alvarez Empire where they're swamped by Emperor Spriggan Fangirls™ and Zeref gets tired while waiting for Lucy and decides to sleep under a tree in a secluded clearing. Okay? Okay.


Lucy held Zeref's hand. "So, where are we going?"

"To another continent." He said as calmly as possible.

"To another contine- Wait, what did you just say?!" Lucy repeated before stopping herself in shock.

"We're going to another continent, called Alakitasia."

"Alakitasia... you mean the western continent?"


"But, Zeref..."

"Yeah, Lucy?"

"How would we get there...?!"

"..." Zeref suddenly just realizes that they sort of- No, have NO way of going to Alakitasia.

"Maybe the teleportation you just learned...?"

"No, I can't teleport if I've never personally been there before."

"What if you've been there in the future? Maybe it will allow you to go if you in the future have been there."

"Maybe, I'll try tha-" Lucy voice trails off when she realizes that her hand is still holding Zeref's.

Lucy felt a strange nervous feeling in her stomach. The nervous feeling grew until she she let go of Zeref's hand, and sighed in relief.

"Lucy?" Zeref looked at Lucy worriedly.

"H-huh?! I'm fine! I'll try it right now!"

5 minutes passed.

Then 10.

And then, finally-

"......" Zeref stares at Lucy.

"A-ah! I'm sorry, Zeref! I'll honestly do it now." Lucy stuttered.

She let out a breath and began to calm down.

Yellow light begun to surround her, until her whole body was glowing a pale yellow.

She saw images flying across her mind- memories she had yet to make, sadness she had yet to feel, happiness that was far away.

She saw everything.

She was alone in these years of memories. It was as if for a brief moment she was given the curse of solitariness. Being trapped forever in her memories while everything else went on.

Of course, that wasn't true.

As soon as she found the memory of going to Alakitasia, all her future memories were erased.

She didn't remember anything other than the feelings. Endless waves of emotions from things she had yet to experience.

She forced her eyes open to get rid of the emotions.

Her body was shaking from the fear she felt- tears spilling out of her eyes, eyebrows furrowing in anger, mouth somehow formed in a smile from the joy- and her eyes were closed again in disgust.

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