Realization of 愛 (2.5)

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Note, chapters with '.5' at the end will be shorter than usual, and might be EXTREMELY shorter than usual. It also might serve as a transition. I wanted to write this, and to but honest, I'm having fun writing this.

-~~ Third Person POV

Lucy stood in the soft, golden grass that was her mind's landscape, waiting for a certain someone to appear.

"Where is he?" Lucy asked herself.

Lucy shifted around in the grass, worry increasing by the minute.


"I can't seem to sleep..." Zeref awkwardly thinks to himself.

"She's going to be lonely in there..." Zeref quietly muttered under his breath.

After awhile he grew tired again, and eventually lied down on the soft, green grass.

Although the grass was nice, he wanted to see the other grass. The golden ones, softer than a feather. Lucy and Zeref were back to back. Zeref turned to look at Lucy. Her blond hair and her shirt was the only thing in his line of vision. His arms instinctively wrapped around Lucy, not even realizing he did. Zeref eventually felt peaceful enough to close his eyes and reappear in Lucy's mind.

-~~ Inside Lucy's mind

"He's not coming, is he...?" Negative emotions started to fill her mind. "It's probably taking longer for him to fall asleep. Although that may not be the case... what if-"


All of her thoughts ceased and halted.

"I'm really sorry about that... it took longer for me to fall aslee-" Zeref starts.

Before Lucy runs up to him and hugs him. A small, lone tear ran out of her eye.

Zeref put his arms around Lucy, finally not hesitating anymore.

"I'm sorry." You mean the world to me... I don't want to ever leave you... Thoughts were swarming through his head, all coming to one end- that he would never leave Lucy.

"Zeref... I... I l-" Lucy started before she got interrupted.

"Attention, all awake Fairy Tail members! Your 7 years of waiting are over! I'll lift up Tenroujima so we can go back to Fairy Tail!" Mavis said telepathically.

"Mavis...?" Zeref and Lucy murmured at the same time.

"Zeref... That means I have to go back to Fairy Tail... but I don't want to leave you!" Lucy realized what Mavis said after awhile and started crying.

"I don't want to leave either, Lucy..." Zeref whispered.

"But how will we see each other? I know sadly, that the guild would never accept you... and I don't want to leave!" Lucy's tears dropped to the floor until the space Zeref and Lucy were standing on was carved out- a small patch of golden grass and earth surrounded by pounding waterfalls.

"Lucy! Calm down!" Zeref put his hands on Lucy's shoulders.

Zeref's grip on Lucy's shoulders tightened.

A single tear rolled down his face, and dropped onto the floor in sync with Lucy's.

That's when the two realized... after just 3 months of talking to each other in their minds, they'd fallen down the hole of 愛- love.

Zeref loved Lucy, and Lucy loved Zeref. That is how simple it was going to be.

But their love- their light- would have to find a way...

Through the darkness that is fate.

But as a wise man once said, even a small light can illuminate the darkness.

"I am that wise man ;3"

"Author, aren't you fema-" Lucy gets cut off.

"Shhhh, Lucy. As I said, I am that wiseman ;3"

"Semicolon three? What's that?" Zeref asks.

"Shhhhhhh... or no more golden grass for you."

"Alright, I guess I'm staying quiet." Zeref sighs.

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