Chapters 0-4

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Lucy's POV, Tenroujima island

I had a bittersweet dream the other day. I never really got the chance to remember, since it was all so blurry... But today, I finally got a glimpse at it. A stranger- A man, I think, reaches his hand out to 8 year old me. Then I'm seen laughing, sleeping, smiling... and at the end of it, I'm seen crying and wandering around. I want to know the meaning of the dream, but I can't figure it out, no matter how hard I try. "Hey! Luce! We're going!" Natsu yelled at me, awakening me from my thoughts.

That's right, we're going to see who will be S-Class for this year. After what Cana told me, I'm going to try my best to make sure she gets that S-Class!

"Natsu, I thought after what happened last time you went on a boat you'd be stalling for time." I laugh. No time to worry about that dream!

"Of course I wouldn't! I'm excited to go! And I wanna go there now!" Natsu yells back with clear excitement in his voice.

"Haha! Okay. Let's go." I laugh again and run after him.

Once we got on the boat, Natsu immediately started getting sick. I always felt bad seeing him lay stunned while this look of sickness appears on his face. I sat down in a corner in the boat and closed my eyes, letting the sea breeze flow through my hair. I almost fell into unconsciousness. Lucy. Wake up. They're giving instructions. My eyes immediately opened in shock, and I bolted out of the corner I was in and went to hear the instructions. The voice in my head sounded very familiar. It sounded somewhat the same as the man's voice in my dream... Could it be that the dream was actually reality? Could it be-?!

"Lucy, don't space out!" Cana told me.

"Okay!" I yelled with confidence at us two going to win this. I knew we were.

However... I... no-

All of us soon realized. This wasn't about the S-Class exam.

We'd be fighting for our lives here. A dark guild name Grimoire Heart... and Acnologia. The Dragon King, some called him.

That's why we were so scared. We feared for our lives. We knew how powerful he was.

But why?

Why did I have to be all by myself here?

Trapped in Fairy Sphere...

Awake when I shouldn't be?

I tried waking up the others. It was futile, useless. Although I wasn't aware of it.

That voice that told me to wake up at the boat... I swear they're a real person at this point. I'm going insane. Natsu... I want you to wake up soon.. I... I don't like this.

So I've been here in misery.

3 and a half years have passed.

And I've... wondered.

Why did Acnologia come...?



After 3 years, someone other than that voice in my head started talking to me.

Mavis, the first master, realized I was awake this whole time after 3 and a half years.

So for the other half of the 7 years, I had someone to talk to.

And by each day I was getting more successful.

The Dragon Slayers for some reason... they're always the ones who I can almost successfully wake up. But they fall back into their frozen in time sleep again time after time. That was... until.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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