Goodbye... (3)

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-~~~Third Person POV

The waterfalls in Lucy's mind started to be intense. As thunder boomed above them, rain was soaking the two. The water beneath Zeref and Lucy was slowly reaching up to them, and soon enough, It would engulf them both whole. Zeref was holding Lucy very close to him.

Lucy's entire body was shaking, as tears spilt out of her eyes. Her sobs were getting increasingly stronger.

She didn't even realize it, but she was slowly growing more and more emotionless. Through her tears, you could see the previously lively shine in her eyes slowly disappearing, slowly being broken apart.

"I don't... I don't want to leave! No!!!" Lucy yelled through her shaky breaths and sobs.

"I... I don't either, Lucy..." Zeref held the sobbing girl tightly.

Lucy stumbled out of Zeref's arms. Her consciousness was slowly starting to black out, causing the mind landscape to collapse. The grass beneath the two wilted and broke into tiny pieces.

Zeref had to shut his eyes. Silently, he hoped, prayed, it was a dream.

When he opened his eyes, shock started to creep in.

A battlefield was before him. Multiple buildings on fire. Ruin and destruction was everywhere. 6 dragons in his eyesight, something he hadn't seen for the past 100 years- excluding Irene and Acnologia.

The Dragons were clearly all trying to aim at one- Acnologia.

And in front of Acnologia, there stood Lucy. Protecting the dragon from harm.

All he could see was a flaming battlefield... Multiple Fairy Tail members demanding Lucy to step aside. Dragons trying to attack Acnologia, but to no avail against Lucy.

Lucy seemed much more powerful. It scared him, almost. But what stood out to him the most were her eyes. Blood Red and lifeless.

He wanted to shout at Lucy to stop. Because deep down, he knew that if this continued, she would be killed.

And even the thought alone made him feel...


He didn't want to see anything any longer.

He begged whoever could hear to stop the vision.

But nobody heard.

The sight in front of him slowly faded to dark.

And he was alone.

In the grasslands lit by moonlight that used to be full of warm, happy feelings...

He was alone.

And it no longer brought warmth.

I don't want to say goodbye... Lucy thought as she slowly rose up from the position she was in.

The sea above her coated with a transparent, pale yellow was slowly getting brighter until she saw the sky. It was beautiful, but she knew it meant she had to leave.

The transparent sphere disappeared, and she felt the sea breeze in her hair.

This would usually calm Lucy down. However, far too many questions were racing through her head, desperately looking for an answer.

Even trying to search to an answer led to more questions.

But one question finally led to an answer.

'Can I find a way to even be together with Zeref?'

'No. You can't.' was the reply back.

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