Ch. 7 | This May Be a Mistake (Edited)

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"And send..."

Inojin sat back on his bed and sighed looking over at Mitsuki. The blue haired boy was smiling softly as always and gave the platinum blonde's leg a pat before getting up and sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"It needed to be done, you've been an emotional mess for a month now.. You know you want him back.."

"I know.. but i'm scared. What if he does it again?"

Mitsuki chuckled lowly and looked Inojin in his eyes.

"It won't.. or he'll have to answer to me."

The words made a chill run up the platinum blonde's back as Mitsuki went back to smiling. Him and the boy had tried to go out, but found they weren't meant for a romantic relationship so they broke it off. It was a good while ago but they stayed close and were best friends now. Inojin liked having the blue haired boy by his side. He always gave an unbiased and new perspective to situations and often gave good solutions effortlessly, all around being someone that the platinum blonde needed in his life.

Mitsuki began to read as Inojin pulled out one of his many sketchbooks and doodled, both becoming too entrapped in their own activities to continue the small talk they were having any further. They sat in a comfortable silence as they would usually did until the platinum blonde spoke up.

"Hey, do you mind posing really quick for this drawing?"

Mitsuki put down his book, replacing the bookmark and rose from his seat. After a bit of moving to do the pose the other male was trying to draw the blue haired boy stood still, to be held in that pose for however long was required of him. This didn't bother him however, he could stay like this forever, if needed, to assist his friend. After a couple of minutes and some minor swears breaking the silence in the room Mitsuki was allowed to move, a muted thank you coming from Inojin, who didn't even look up from his art.

The blue haired boy just sat and continued to read his book. Again they were sitting in silence, the only sounds being the birds from outside and some water running form downstairs as his mother was washing dishes. Unlike other friends who thrived on constant communication and laughs, the boys thrived on silence and tranquility. Others thought it was odd, but to them it was normal and comforting.

The room was filled with the sounds of outside and quiet breaths until a long ding rang from the blue haired boy's phone.

"Oh.. Miss Hinata wishes me to come home.. Would you like me to see if you can come over?"

Inojin thought for a second before responding,

"No thanks.."

Mitsuki nodded and rose, grabbing his book and phone and leaving the room after waving goodbye. The platinum blonde waves and smiled as his friend left the room. He laid back onto his bed and looked at his phone.

He felt his face get hot as tears dared to spawn. He was nervous, what if Shikadai cheated again? What if he didn't want him back? All the questions swirling in his mind made his heart pound and eyes strain and water. He tried his damnedest not to cry over something that hadn't even happened yet.

"Please.. please respond.."

He grabbed his pillow and sighed as he rolled onto his side. His emotions got the best of him as tears started to flow out. He knew his crying was futile, he knew it wouldn't change anything with the situation or the outcome. He just wanted to be happy again and not going through this tornado of emotions and moods.


In the Uzumaki-Uchiha household, Boruto, Iwabe, and Mitsuki were sitting on the couch watching television and playing uno.

"Quit cappin' man, draw them 4 cards!", Iwabe hissed out, throwing down his cards onto the coffee table in front of the trio.

"I put a draw four down too! Suki has to draw 8!" Boruto argued not wanting to be subject to the brutal drawing of the cards. This had been going on for around a minute now and Hinata was tired of hearing the boys bickering. Stepping form behind the counter and into the living room, she spoke in a stern voice.

"You are going to have to put the cards away if you two dont stop arguing!"

Both boys quieted down and the blue haired boy pulled the 8 cards. They all came to a consensus to disagree on what the outcome of the cards put down were and continued their game until the sound of snapchat went off on Boruto and Iwabe's phones.

"Who the hell?" muttered Iwabe as they both pulled out their phones. Looking at the Snap, they were shocked to see Inojin had messaged them both a picture of himself and Shikadai.

"They..They're.." the blonde boy stuttered in disbelief looking over at his tan skinned friend

"Back together?"


The tan boy and blonde rose from their seats and ran out the house, presumably to go see this for themselves. The blue haired boy got up and told his caretaker what the commotion was about and that they'd be back later before following the two impulsive boys out the house.

Shockingly both boys weren't as surprised as they presented. There had been rumors floating around ever since the fight happened last month that the two were gonna get back together. The two just didn't expect it so soon, maybe in like a couple more months yeah, but not this soon.

The three boys ran to where the picture was taken to see the two boys sitting on the swings holding hands. It was official, Shikadai and Inojin were back together. With that meaning that the friend squad was officially back to its former glory. Boruto and Iwabe eagerly ran over to the boys to talk, but Mitsuki just stood there staring at the boys.

For some reason, feeling his heart shatter.

My First Heartbreak {ShikaJin/MistuJin Fanfiction} (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now