The cofession

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Note from author clarinet_anna

Hey guys this is my continuation of love at its best and I decided to publish what I have so far. Some one told me that they liked love at its best and told me to keep to it so im going to add it now so others might like it. give comments please. thank you

The next morning fluttershy woke up with angel asking for food, so she got up and fed her animals. when she was done she sat at the kitchen table and ate some strawberry oatmeal.. she was on her last bite when a scroll appeared on the table. curious she opened it, it said

"Dearest Fluttershy,

I was wondering if i could come over now If you're up, I miss you. If you say yes write me back and put a ribbon around it and throw it the air and ill be there.

Sighned by your's truly

The Lord of chaos discord.

"Oh how sweet" chuckles fluttershy.

With that she lays the letter down on the table, and goes upstairs to shower.

Meanwhile in canterlot

"Uh what's taking so long"?" maybe ill pop in"!!

Back at fluttershy's

Discord pops into the cottage in an instant. "hey fluttershy" discord calls out, "I'm here I couldn't wait to see you so .... I um .... came". he waited for a response but got none. discord walks upstairs to her bedroom door (which was closed) and knocked. (No answer)

"Fluttershy if you can hear me I'm coming in". discord then entered her room, once in he looked around and (omg) fluttershy had just gotten out of the shower, and she was all wet. then she spoke "one moment angel bunny I'm almost" but then turned around to find discord blushing scarlet. "AAAAAAAHHHHH" fluttershy jumped screaming, hitting her head on the bathroom door and falling onto all four hooves. " I'm sorry" sais discord, " I .... I didn't mean to .... ". With that fluttershy got up and wrapped herself, along with her mane in a towel and walked over to an extremely blushing discord. " It's ok discord I just .... well you scared me" she giggled rubbing her forehead where the door had hit her. "D ... Dose it hurt" asked discord"? "Oh not really" replied fluttershy, but suddenly discord grabs her head gently and kisses it. he lets her go causing them both to blush. "I ... I'm really sorry fluttershy I .... just missed you And" but before he could finish fluttershy hugged him, and said "its ok". discord hugged her back and asked if he should come back later. "oh no it's fine" replies fluttershy. just give me a minute to dry my mane.

1 hour later

Fluttershy and discord were in fluttershy's garden on the bench swing. " Again are you ok"? asked discord. "I'm ok" replied fluttershy.

"Good, I would never want to hurt one single hair on your head, I hate to see you in pain or anger or.......or ...." discord stopped for a moment. "what are you looking at" asked discord. fluttershy was currently staring into his red eyes, "oh um...... nothin it's just no pony has ever done that for me". "what" asked discord. "well.....offered to take care of me, although I don't need to be taken care of...... but I ....I ......I don't know just forget everything I said". fluttershy then turns away blushing wildly. "why"? asked discord grabbing fluttershys chin softly. "because" she replied looking into his eyes once more, "I don't make any since......".

"Oh but you forget my dear, what is the fun in making since"? Discord then kisses her again, but this time longer. fluttershy kisses back grabbing discords cheek. they shared a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever,neither of them wanted it to end but then five ponies walked up.

Rainbow: umm what are you doing?

Pinkie: yeah what are you doing?

Applejack: oh leave em alone!!

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