Field Trip to S.I. Part 1

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Peter was panicking. How was it that he had forgotten to hide all of his personal belongings from his lab. Tony had reminded him last night that a tour would be coming and had been granted the ability to see the lab of Tony Stark's esteemed assistant.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He was the secret heir of Stark Industry for crickets sake.

"Pick up! C'mon Happy... Pick up your phone!" Peter whisper screamed into his cell as Midtown High came into view. There was not enough time for Peter to swing back around by the Tower and make it to school on time. With so many random absences and tardies Peter could not afford another one. He would have to hope that Tony checked before letting the tour group in.

Seconds later Peter was pulled from his thoughts by the bus sitting in front of his school. Mr. Harrington was standing in front and waved Peter over.

"Hop on in Peter! The Decathlon Team received a special invite to Stark Towers!"

Peter was ushered onboard with no time to argue. How was he supposed to get out of this? Peter thought before realizing he wouldn't.

--- 20 min later ---

After ignoring Flash for the majority of the bus ride Peter finally cracked.

"I even got my Dad to get us a tour of Tony Stark assistant's labs," Flash bragged trying to egg Peter on, "I bet even Penis doesn't know who they are since he has been faking his internship."

Peter whips around but before he can shoot out a response MJ has already has calmly stated, "We all know we got this tour because of the Decathlon Win, Flash, there was no money involved. If you read the fine print of the competition you would learn that the entire tour was included as a prize for whoever won."

Flash shuts his mouth after that, realizing getting on the bad side of the Decathlon Team Leader is not the best idea.

"Okay kids," Mr. Harrington exclaims, "We are just around the corner from Stark Towers. Remember this is a privilege that you have earned and that this is a workplace, so please be respectful to everyone while we are on this tour."

Most of the kids began to talk in excited whispers, ignoring Mr. Harrington's continued blabbering. They had just pulled up in front of Stark Towers and were being ushered off the bus by some security personnel.

"Okay everyone. My name is Happy Hogan, head of security hear at S.I." Happy grumbled his way through the typical tour spiel, "... and your tour guide for today is ... Oh ... " Happy trailed off.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Harrington questioned nervously.

"Well it appears your scheduled tour guide, April, called in sick today and all of our backup tour guides are working on time sensitive projects currently." Happy responds. He begins to scroll through the list of S.I employees that is being projected from his watch.

"Sir," Flash calls out with slight respect in his voice, "We have a fellow student who claims to have an internship here. Does the name Peter Parker ring any bells?"

"Ah ha! Susan can you get down to the lobby to lead a tour. You can! Great! Okay, I will let them know." Happy mumbles about, looking like he is talking to himself and completely ignoring Flash. Peter knows that Happy is actually using a prototype of his and Tony's that is apart of the watch, serving as an earset without the physical component. He turns to Ned and whisper explains all of this to him after noting his friends confusion.

Soon the kids attention turns towards the large bay of elevators where a woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties is huffing out. She scans the area of the lobby before settling on Happy and walking in that direction.

"Hello, you all must be Midtown High," the woman exclaims in a chipper voice as she smooths down her pencil skirt, "My name is Susan and I will be your tour guide today. Lets get everyone some guest passes and get on our way." Susan takes a stack of slips from Happy as he walks away and hands the pile to MJ. As the kids pass them through the group doing the typically take one pass it on Susan drones on about the history of S.I.

Susan scans her pass through security and then ushers the herd of kids through telling the guards that their passes were pre-approved as guests. "Okay. So on the tour schedule for today we have some lab activities, then lunch with some of our head scientists, and then a personal tour of Tony Stark's and his assistance's personal labs by the man himself.

All of the kids bubble in excitement at this news, gossiping as to if they will meet the assistant as well.

"I hear he is a total supermodel."

"Well I heard he was in a terrible lab explosions and that's why he doesn't show his face."

"I heard he was a Russian spy."

Peter rolls his eyes at Ned. I wonder what would happen if they realized they were in the presence of said assistant. Thank god Happy did a sweep through. You see before Happy and left the lobby earlier he made contact with Peter and winked. This to Peter was code for "I got your message and fixed whatever you blew up before Tony found out" something they put in place to ensure Tony experienced no accidental heart attacks again.

--- Time Skip to After lunch ---

"Okay class. I hope everyone found that lunch enlightening, we are now going to head up to Tony's personal floor for the lab tour."

A/N: I decided I wanted to post this and see what responses I got. I have an ending in mind, this was just getting a bit long. I will probably post the next part in the next few days, week at the max. 

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