Falling - Harley's POV

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So I have recently gotten into the Peter/Harley ship. This is a bit more angst. As a back story Peter and Harley dated a few years back but have broken up. At this point Peter is still in New York and Harley has moved back to Tennessee. The breakup was somewhat mutual as it was more so a right person but wrong time situation. The idea of this one-shot is that Peter is an up and coming singer, and Harley hears his song which makes him reflect on their relationship. The song I will be using is Harry Styles' "Falling" and I took inspo from his performance at the Brit Awards. Italics will be used to show the song lyrics and sound coming from the TV. Please enjoy!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the newest up and coming singer with his new song 'Falling'!" Jimmy Fallon announced from the TV set up in the corner of Harley's shop.

Harley sighed from underneath his latest job, a 2003 Ford F-150. He could never work in the quiet but preferred AD/DC to late night television. However, in his rush to escape his mom's caring pestering that night with hands itching to work he had forgotten to grab his trusty radio. He stopped tweaking underneath the truck as the crowd's applause faded into the soothing sound of piano.

I'm in your bed

And you're not here

And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands

Harley sat up sharply forgetting he was still underneath the truck, banging his head. He recognized that voice. Was that? But it couldn't be... As his mind continued to race Harley pushed himself out from under the truck and looked over to the TV.

"That's him." Harley whispered. There was Peter. Peter who was always too shy about his talent and too afraid to bear his heart to the world. Harley sat in a state of shock as he listened to Peter and the lyrics he was singing.

Forget what I said

It's not what I meant

And I can't take it back

I can't unpack the baggage you left

Harley remembered. Peter had felt that Harley wasn't as invested in them as he was. In the heat of the moment he had yelled how Harley did not truly care for him and that he should leave. Harley had been so angry about the accusation knowing it was untrue. He was just scared to commit completely, not because he didn't think Peter was the one but because he felt unworthy of Peter. He had gone to Eugene's apartment that night so they would both have time to cool off.

What am I now?

What am I now?

What if I'm someone I don't want around?

I'm fallin' again

I'm fallin' again

I'm fallin'

Harley thought about how he had laid in Eugene's spare bedroom that night staring up at the ceiling. He had laid awake the majority of the night thinking about how he didn't deserve to love Peter. Didn't deserve to have that happiness. His thoughts caused him to fall back into his unhealthy mentality of leaving others before they could leave him. He started thinking that Peter would be happier without him, someone who's emotional baggage meant they weren't ready to claim the other as completely there's. God I was so stupid. Harley thought.

What if I'm down?

What if I'm out?

What if I'm someone you won't talk about?

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