The Aftermath

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After his school picture was shown on the billboard Peter had completely blocked out everything around him. The people shouting, the cars honking, the birds flying right towards him as he swung home frantically was all left unknown to Peter. After reaching his bedroom window he swung in and collapsed onto the floor. Beginning to sob hysterically May rushed in, scooping him into her arms.

"Shhh," she continued to repeat as she rocked him in her arms, "We will get through this."

Around New York a heaviness hung in the air. Everyone in the city had been saved directly or knew someone saved by Spider-Man. And now many were having to graspel with the fact that this hero that had assisted so many in the city was a child. A child who had fought the Vulture in a homemade suit. A child who had gone into space to save their world. A child who had seen their mentor die in front of their eyes. A child who had been betrayed by a man who he had believed to be sincere. And many after doing a dive into Peter Parker on the internet learned that this child was an orphan, who time after time had lost people in his life due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances. This child had gone through so much; yet day after day had continued to protect them. The same people who would have turned their backs on him in his time of need.

After their self enforced solitude for a month May decided that they needed to attempt to pick up the fragments of their lives and assess the damage. She was able to convince Peter to take the subway to Ned's house.

"It will be good for you to see your friends, Pete." May said with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

Not wanting to break her hope Peter agreed, "Okay, but only for an hour or so."

As Peter stumbled out of their apartment he felt the anxiety begin to boil up out of him and quickly pivoted on his feet to re enter the apartment. But then the proud look on May's face when he said he would go out stopped him in his tracks. She had been through so much, and had supported him through all of it.

"Okay Peter. You've got this. Just a five minute subway ride to Ned's and then another two minutes on lesser traveled streets. You can do this." With a deep sigh Peter turned around once more and headed towards the subway.

---Time Skip to on the Subway Train---

Peter was overly sensitive to everything between his nerves and spidey senses he could not help but look a bit frantic eyes flitting all around the train at the many passengers.

"Excuse me mister," piped a voice towards Peter's left, "Are you the Spider-Man?" Peter looked over to see a little girl between the ages of four and five holding a very battered and loved homemade Spider-Man teddy.

Peter wanted to ignore the girl so bad, not wanting to recognize that people now knew who he was. But he knew this child would not understand that his desire to suppress panic was not meant to be rude. Instead he slowly nodded his head while holding memories and tears at bay.

"Twank you Mister," the little girl whispered to him, "You saved my mommy once." That was when Peter felt tears attempt escape once more.

A woman no older than 25 rushed over, "I am sorry sir. She just doesn't always realize that people want to be left alone... Are you okay?" the woman asked as recognition dawned on her, "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. Marie what did you say to him?! She has just always been infatuated with you after you saved me. You see I'm all she has and well I owe you my life." The woman began muttering to herself. That was when Peter lost all control. These people weren't mad at him, they weren't disappointed, they weren't scared. In fact they felt indebted to him because he had done what he thought was right. He then realized that if he had not decided to be Spider-Man that this woman would have died, and this little girl, Marie, would have been an orphan like him.

As Peter let the tears begin to fall realizing that he wasn't hated many of the passengers averted their eyes. Yet Marie's little hands came to grasp his and her mother stroked his back letting him just let the relief flow over him. 

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