A video

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A YouTube video appears under recommended videos. It is entitled "thank you". After clicking the video it finally loads. A clip begins to play, a regular person looking directly at the camera. The person begins to speak, "Thank you so much Spider-Man. You saved me and you didn't leave me until help arrived." The video then pans to another person thanking Spider-Man. Then another person and another person and another. The video is clips compiled together of almost everyone in New York City telling Spider-Man thank you because he had saved them or saved someone they knew.

Peter stumbled across this video. As he watches it he realizes once more how much Spider-Man; how much he meant to the city. And as he realized this the tears begin to fall because he had always thought he was alone. But now he realized the whole city would back and support him. 

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been reading! This one is a little short and can be read to go with the last chapter or on it's own. I am not sure when I will post again. It just depends on time. Hopefully with the holidays coming up I will have some downtime to write. :) 

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