007| have we met before?

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"june it's fine really you don't need to help me carry my stuff" jimin whines, trying to pull his bag away from his best friends hands but obviously fails to do so.

june laughs, rolling his eyes at jimin who was pouting. junhoe stops laughing midway when his eyes meet jungkook who was standing there just staring at them. "is there a problem buddy?" junhoe taunts.

jimin suddenly panics, shushing his idiotic bestfriend for being so upfront. "june for the love of god please just shut up."

jungkook says nothing in return, despite having the urge to curse out the guy.

"h-hi i'm jimin by the way, park jimin. i'm sorry for june he's just really protective over me." jimin rambles, laughing awkwardly.

"hi." junhoe grumbles stubbornly, when jimin nudges him with his elbow.

jungkook doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds. where have i seen him before? he wonders. "im jungkook. but you already know that don't you?"

jimin continues to chuckle awkwardly. "yeah." junhoe rolls his eyes again, walking away from the two and continued picking up jimins stuff. "um jungkook?"

his eyebrow quirks up, "what?"

"have we met before?" jimin asks, sounding a little confused. "i don't know but you seem really familiar?" he continues, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"no, i don't think so?" jungkook lies, knowing the exact same thing the pink haired boy is saying. 

"oh... that's weird." jimin mumbles to himself, but jungkook hears anyway. he chooses to not say anything in return.

"right. anyway your room is to the left of the first hall. my room is upstairs if you need anything." before jimin could say anything, jungkook is already walking away.

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