027 | incompetent son

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namjoon watches his father's face turn into an ugly shade of red. he already knows what's going to happen, but it seems like he still can't get used to reactions like these. namjoon has watched his father yell at his men before, so many times, yet it'll never feel familiar. namjoon never once has failed doing something in the company, so of course it was understandable why his father is reacting this way.

"what the fuck were you thinking?" his father spews, throwing stacks of paper after one another. "how the hell did this happen? how did you manage to mess up once and have it do this much fucking damage?"

namjoon opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. he meets his fathers eyes, filled with so much rage and anger that it makes his heart sink to his stomach. never once has namjoon disappointed, so why now?

"im so—"

his fathers nose flare, stomping towards him and grabbing his tie. "don't fucking apologize to me. apologize to me by fixing your mistake. i've already told you to fix it but you made it worse."

then silence.

"i can't have an incompetent son like you." he whispers lowly, filled with so much scorn and disappointment. namjoons stomach turns, a sick feeling pooling in his gut. namjoon doesn't bother to reply at this point, letting his father degrade him to his satisfaction, until namjoon feels like a worthless piece of shit, until the words get tattooed on him.

"maybe i should give jungkook a call huh? i bet he would know what to do." his father says, after a while.

"jungkook wants nothing to do with the company, father." namjoon says, as a matter of fact. "he wouldn't help us if you were to ask."

his father's hands fly to hit him across the face, but he pauses midway. namjoon winces. "since when did you become so disrespectful kim namjoon?"

silence once again.

"answer me."

namjoon coughs, mustering up the confidence to reply back without sounding scared. "i wasn't trying to be disrespectful father."

"you will ask jungkook." finally, his father walks away from him and namjoon feels like he can finally breathe. he can save the tears for later. he greets his father goodbye, closing the door behind him. namjoon tries to ignore the worried glances the security guards give him when he walks past them in the hall, probably hearing the entire conversation in the room.

A/N: this is all the updates for now! i know i haven't updated since september but it do be like that sometimes😭 i have a 9 day break so i'll try to update more!!<3 thank you if you're still reading this muwah

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