032 | don't hide from me jiminie

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jungkook comes home after four days, not that jimin was counting. it's almost 2 in the morning when jimin hears the door opening and slamming shut loudly. he's been sleeping in the living room since then, waiting for jungkook just incase he went home unexpectedly— which he did.

jimin scrambles up to his feet, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "jungkook? welcome home" he murmurs tiredly, still a little sleepy.

jungkook doesn't say anything, except he just stares at jimin in silence, in the dim light. jimin frowns, smelling the other reek of alcohol.

"d-do you want me to get you a glass of water?" jimin offers quietly, feeling a little timid because of jungkook's aura. jimin understands though, that the younger male might not be in the best mood at the moment so he tries his best to be considerate of the situation.

jungkook stays silent, not saying a word but nods anyway. they walk to the kitchen in awkward silence. jimin wonders if jungkook could hear how loud his heart is beating at the moment.

jimin silently pours water for jungkook, trying to avoid his piercing gaze. he doesn't know why jungkook is staring, but he doesn't question it. jungkook mutters a silent "thank you", chugging the water down quickly.

then silence again.

and somehow, their eyes meet but neither looks away this time. jimin bites his lip, opening his mouth to say something— to ask jungkook where he's been, how he's been doing or why he seemed so upset. but jimin says nothing instead, figuring that it's for the better.

they've only been living together for a little over a month, and it's been nice. jimin shouldn't have gotten used to how peaceful and easy his life has been lately, especially now that he just found out about jungkook. he's been completely oblivious, and never bothered to look at the news until recently. no wonder why his tutor— namjoon, used to always seem busy. jimin never questioned the two brothers about where they get the ridiculous amount of money from since it wasn't his business, but now he knows.

jimin rips his gaze from jungkook, not being able to handle the intensity. then he notices the blooming hickeys all over jungkook's neck, to his collarbones. jimin frowns, something unpleasant pooling at the pit of his stomach but pushes that feeling away.

"seems like you had a fun night" jimin blurts without thinking. he immediately regrets it, his ears turning pink with embarrassment the moment he registers what he just said.

jungkook raises his eyebrow, almost looking amused in a way. "i did." he says coolly, "so much fun." he continues, rubbing his hands on his neck as if he was teasing jimin.

jimin bites his lip in embarrassment.

"sorry that i didn—" jungkook begins to say, but jimin hushes him.

"don't apologize, it's okay. i understand. you don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable okay?" jimin says softly, giving jungkook a warm smile.

jungkook blinks dumbly, taken back. he figured jimin was upset for being left hanging for almost a week— but he's not. and that's what's odd, how jimin is so understanding and gentle. how jimin is so soft spoken, how jimin voice calms his nerves down.

"oh" jungkook says, his voice almost a whisper. "thank you."

jimin giggles, leaning over the counter to pat jungkook's head. "how drunk are you hm? i was afraid you might say something you'll regret when you're sober you know."

their faces are close. too close. and all jungkook could smell was jimin's perfume— clouding his senses. he closes his eyes, taking it all in. "m' not too drunk." he mutters, almost sounding a little childish. jimin grins at him, ruffling his hair.

"oh—" jimin gasps. jungkook opens his eyes, wondering what jimin's surprised about. "that scar" he begins to say, his hands carefully caressing jungkook's cheek. jungkook can't help but lean into his touch, appreciating how warm jimin's hands are. "is that from—"

"when you accidentally threw that rock at me when we were younger?" jungkook finishes the question for him, laughing lightly at the others surprised expression. jimin laughs, and jungkook realizes how beautiful jimin looks when he's happy— reminding him of his childhood with him.

"i- i can't believe i did this to you" jimin murmurs, sounding apologetic.

"hm? don't worry about it jiminie."

and that nickname, that stupid nickname rolls off his tongue so effortlessly. it makes jimin feel a little breathless, hearing jungkook call him that.

they're too close. all up in each other's personal space, their foreheads almost touching. jungkook looks at jimin, quirking up his eyebrows in amusement. jimin squeaks, immediately tearing his hand away from jungkook's cheek and suddenly that warmth is gone.

"o-oh i'm— i'm sorry i wasn't thinking— i don't know why i did that" he stammers, blabbering in embarrassment. god, how many times is he going to embarrass himself like this in one night? jimin covers his face with his hands, trying to hide his reddening face.

it was jungkook's turn to lean over the counter this time, taking jimins hand's away from his face. jungkook's heart is hammering through his chest, but he blames it on the alcohol. "don't hide from me jiminie" he whispers, his voice sending a shiver down jimin's spine.

jimin is speechless, not being able to find words form in his mouth. jungkook chuckles, taking his cue to leave. "goodnight."

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