theory #3

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Let's all admit that we cried during Hopper's "death scene". The reason I have that in quotations is because, maybe Hopper isn't actually dead. To be killed off by only the 3rd season is way to soon. Another thing to notice is how we don't see Hopper die. There is just a flash and we see Joyce covering her eyes, so she wouldn't have seen anything. You remember how we saw everyone die. This could mean that Hopper could have possibly escaped. How, you may ask? Well you remember how Hopper always tells Eleven to keep the door open 3 inches? That's a very specific number. It could hint at the gate to the upside down, still healing and being open 3 inches. Hopper's last scene is a lot like when Eleven first disappeared. But she came back. This could mean that Hopper could come back. Finally, in the very last scene, the teaser for season 4, the russians pass one cell and say "not the American", remember that's what they call all of our characters. This could mean that Hopper went through the upside down and was captured by the Russians.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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