Thank you

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I start crying.

Seb's POV

After lance dropped me off, Antonio called everyone to the living room with me hiding behind him. Once everyone is downstairs, he tells me to come out and when I do I get bombarded by hugs and kisses from my siblings.

"We've missed you!"
"How have you been?"
"Your tainted from lance, but I know your still pure!"
"We love you!"
"How's dad?"
Then I overhear Antonio talking to my sister rosa.
"He's tainted. Is he still himself? Did lance make him poisoned?"
"Let's hope. I'm gonna have him take a long bath to get off lance's gross germs."

When I overhear this I can't help myself, "EVERYBODY QUIET!" I scream, now I'm hurting like hell and will be for days. "Why do you all hate lance so much?! He didn't do anything wrong, he did the opposite!! He saved my life several, several times!! Dad is a monster, he abuses me and lance, but everytime lance takes all the hits! Antonio, didn't you notice ANY of the cuts, bruises, or wounds on him?! We're both covered in them and all you do is choose to care for me?! WHY IS HIS LIFE LESS IMPORTANT THAN MINE?!"

Everyone is staring at me like a mad man, Antonio especially because I said I don't talk and if I do it hurts like hell. My voice is dead and so am I, I run upstairs to the bathroom and lock myself in it. I take out the razor from my phone case and start making lines that scar my skin. "1...2...5...7...10...18...26...35....52...' I make so many cuts. But just enough to scar, not enough to bleed out everywhere. Only a little bit of blood, not like how deep lance would cut. He would cut so deep it was kinda like bloody murder. Which in a way it kinda was. 'Lance... I miss you... please let 2 years fly by in an instant...' I start to cry.

"Why lance... why..." I whisper to myself, not even able to be heard from how much I just used my voice.

Veronica knocks on the bathroom door and asks me to open it. I quickly pull down my sleeve and makes sure she can't see it. I open the door for her and she immediately hugs me... I can't help but hug back. It's like lance's hugs; warm, soft, protecting... it makes me want to spill my heart out to her. But I've learned my lesson and I know that it takes time to trust so I don't.

"What happened to you and lance...?"
I don't care anymore, my throat is hurting and my head says not to continue to talk. I don't listen. I spill everything out to her. She makes sure no one can over hear.
"D-dad abuses me and L-lance a lot. Lance al-ways manages to take the b-beating for me and I can't tha-nk him enough for all he's done for me. He's saved m-my life sev-eral times... he's helped me through so much and I've been such an asshole to him! He always gives me his food because together we get about 1/2 piece of bread a day, dad won't pay for any food at school and we can't afford it! Dad gets drunk every night, I'm scared to sleep without lance! I'm scared to move, I'm scared to breathe! Knowing that whatever I do will affect lance has always been on my mind... that's why when I yelled at you all, I ran thinking it would affect lance! Don't you get it vee? Lance is so amazing, yet he gets treated like absolute shit! He has no friends, gets bullied in school, has an abusive home life, hes too good for his own good and is too amazing! He's depressed, feels worthless, useless, nothing, a fucking burden that wasn't supposed to be in this world!" I say as loudly for the last part as I can, by last part I mean when I stop stuttering. I'm in tears and so is vee, she gives me more hugs and I cry into her shoulder.

We just stay like this for a few minutes and it's nice. Until I pass out from exhaustion.

Veronica's POV

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