i-i love you...

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Take my life if I'm wrong.

Lance POV

i've been in space for awhile...

keith has gotten me to eat, just slightly more...

i've cut... deep. no one knows...

everyone still hates me... well, most. shiro, hunk, shay, matt, and keith presumably don't, but it's all an act. whether i want to believe it or not, it is.

knock knock knock

i check my clock, 17:28, 'it's not time for food yet... who could that be?'

i go up and answer the door.

i get a surprise hug... from keith? i hug back, enjoying his embrace.

"ummm... hey keith...?"
"what's up?"
"happy birthday..."
"you actually remembered?"
"why wouldn't i?"
"no one does..."
"well, i guess you can change that statement from no one to one... heh..."
"keith is something up? your not your normal self."

i pick him up, lock my door and sit with him in my lap on my bed.

"keith what happened?"
he shakes his head no.
"why can't you tell me?"
"it's personal..."
"okay... but i'm here to talk like you are for me..."

he nods his head and starts crying into my shoulder.

'what the hell happened with him? he's so shaken up...'

time skip, an hour later

keith was asleep, taking a nap. he woke up.

"good evenin' keith. how was your nap?"
"good... thanks for everything lance..."
"of course. it's no problem and my pleasure really."
"i-i can tell you now if you want... i mean... why i came in here in the first place..."
"keith, you don't have to tell me if your not ready..."
"i need to tell you it though... it's gonna keep on bugging me until i do..."
"okay then... what's up?" i say this as i give him a hug and he hugs back.
"i-i love you..."

i release the hug, i'm in shock.

"i-im sorry keith... i-i love you too but the last time i loved someone... i got hurt and it took a long time to recover... hell, i'll never recover... i-i want to love you keith, but i just can't..." once i'm done saying that, tears are coming out of my eyes.

"i-i get it... don't worry... tell me when your ready... i'll be waiting for you..."
"thank you keith... just... give me some time... i'll try not to keep you waiting too long..."
"take as long as you need..."
"thank you..."

time skip, a month later

keith still comes by regularly, well... he's been skipping the past few days but, i think... i'm ready.

knock knock knock

'maybe he's here...' i think.

i open the door and to my surprise, it's shiro.

i stay silent.
"we need your help lance..." he looks down.
"wha-what happened?" i'm not used to talking to others besides keith so it's definitely nerv-wracking.
"he won't leave his room... we're worried..."
"okay... i'm coming..."
i shut my door and go to keith's with shiro.

It's okay... everything's fine (COMPLETED/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now