1- The beginning

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Lili's pov:

"I can't believe it!" Tess yells. "Calm down, Tess" I chuckle. "Your going to be famous!" She yells. "How do you know?" I ask. "Because you're working with Cole fucking Sprouse!" She yells. "Lili, we all know you had a fat crush on him when you were like 13" Chloe chuckles. I blush hardly and run upstairs to my bedroom. "You alright?" My mom asks as she enters my room. "I'm okay" I sigh. "You excited?" She asks. "Yeah, but I'm going too miss you" I sigh. "Lili, you're going to be amazing" She says as she hugs me tightly. "Not how I felt in LA" I sigh. "You booked the role in LA, you should be excited" She smiles. "I mean I have met Camila Mendes, I saw her at my audition" I smile. "Well that's good, why don't you contact her?" My Mom suggests. "Alright, good idea" I say and grab out my phone. "I'm going to make dinner" Mom says and leaves. I DM Camila, saying; Hey, I don't know if you remember me but we met at auditions. Congratulations on scoring the role, of Veronica, you so deserve it!. See you in a few days. Lili xx. I then start packing my suitcase. "Lili" My sister, Chloe says as she knocks on the frame of the door. "Yeah?" I ask. "Do you need some help?" She asks. "That would be great" I sigh in relief. She comes in and sits on my bed. "Can you help me pick out an outfit for the table read?" I ask. "Of course" She says excitingly and heads for my closet. "Causal, professional or dress up?" Chloe asks. "mixed" I grin. "Why did I even ask" She chuckles. 

(Few days later; At the airport)

"You better get me an autograph" Tess chuckles through tears. "I will" I grin. "Love you" Chloe says as she hugs me. "Bye guys" I smile with tears falling down my face. "Bye Lils" They all say. I get onto the plane and put my earphones in to block out the noise. I have never been a fan of flying so this is a big step for me. Camila and I have been texting a lot so I decide to message her. The plane landed and there was already a few cameras flashing at me. 'Got to get used to this' I think as I walk towards my Uber. Once I got to my hotel I started to freak out. Tomorrow I was meeting the whole cast for the first time and I was also meeting Cole Sprouse, the Cole Sprouse. Since I had to leave at 8 tomorrow I got everything situated and then went straight to bed. 

Cole's pov:

"I know, Dyl" I chuckle.  "I'm gonna miss you" He sighs and hugs me. "Don't get soft on me" I chuckle. "I'm being serious" He chuckles "I'll miss you two" I sigh. "See you in a few months" He sighs. I nod and head towards my boarding gate. Once I boarded my plane I instantly took out my laptop to edit some of my photos from a photoshoot I did a few days ago. After getting bored of editing I took out my phone and started to stalk my new co-stars instagram. The first one I looked at was a guy named KJ who was playing, Archie. The first photo I saw was KJ squashing red bull cans while flecking. 'God this guy is going to be full of himself' I think. I then looked at a instagram page who belonged to Camila. Her photo's were mostly of her with friends or family. Then I looked at Lili's instagram. And holy fuck she was stunning. Her photo's was her with friends, family or herself with special effects make up on. I instantly took attraction to her eyes. They were a beautiful greenie blue colour that almost looked like the ocean when the sun is setting. 'Fuck Cole, no' I think. I close of my phone quickly and shut my eyes. As much as I was excited I didn't want people to think I was a bratty child star that was full of himself. 

Word count: 754

AN: This part is very short but I promise the others will be longer. It's only short because it is just the beginning. Remember some parts will be long and some short. Just a heads up I will also be using some of my ideas from my old Sprousehart story. xx

Off-screen- A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now