22- Together

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(Three days later)

Cole's pov:

Kj, Charles and I had an early morning flight home so we arrived back in Vancouver at 6am. "Bye, Guys" Kj and Casey say and then leave. Charles and I were staying behind to wait for Lili and Cami. Charles and I started talking about our relationships and just how things were going. "You know what, Why don't we go on a double date thing tonight, They deserve it" Charles suggests. "Yeah, That sounds great" I agree. "What time is their flight landing again?" I ask. "Uh, 7am" He says. "Let's go get breakfast then, We have an hour" I say standing up. He agrees so we head to the food court. At 7 we went straight back to the room because thats where we were meeting them. "I love how it has only been three days but yet I miss Lili so much" I chuckle as I pace around the room. "Yeah, Same with me, I miss Cami a lot" He says. "Cole!" Lili shouts as she runs into the room. She leaps into my arms and smashes her lips onto mine. "Hey, Baby" I chuckle as I hug her tightly. "I missed you" She whispers. "I missed you too" I whisper back.

After Lil and i catched up we all left the airport. "I so want to get home" She groans as we get into the car. "Me too, Baby" I whisper to her.

"See you guys tonight!" Cami yells as we get back to our apartment. We both laugh and go in. "Take the elevator, I'm not climbing the stairs" Lili says as she pushes the button. I chuckle and kiss her temple. Once we got into our apartment, Lili ran straight to the bedroom and crashed on the bed. "Goodnight!" She yells. "Baby, It's the morning" I laugh. "Fine then, I'm sleeping goodbye!" She shouts. I lie next to her which makes her cuddle into my side. "I love you" I murmur into her hair. "I love you too" She giggles.

Lili's pov:

"Cole, Hurry up, We're going to be late!" I yell. "I'm coming" he yells back. "What took you so long" I grin. "My hair" He smirks and strolls out the door. I giggle and follow after him. "We're meeting them there, Right?" He asks. "Yes, Cole" I chuckle. He nods and we get into the car. 

"Hey, Guys!" Cami waves as we hug. "God, I'm so hungry" I groan. "Me too" She giggles. We all sit down into the booth. "What you gonna get, Baby?" Cole whispers. "Not sure yet" I smile as I look at the menu. 

After we ordered our food we were all just kind of taking photos and goofing around. "Oh my god" Cami whispers to Charles. "What?" I chuckle. "Look at this photo, This is a real keeper" She says as she turns her phone to me. "Awe, babe, You look adorable!" Cole says as he kisses my head. I giggle and smile. "Look at this photo of you two" I say as I turn my photo to Cami. "Send that to me" She demands. We both trade the photos to each others phones. "There, My new screensaver" I smile proudly as I show everyone the photo of Cole and I (Photo above). "Awe, I'm doing the same!" Cami chirps. 

"Bye, Guys!" We call out as we get out of the Uber. "I'm so tired" I mumble as we get into our apartment. "I love you" He murmurs. "What" I chuckle. "I just love you so much, You're so beautiful" He smiles. I move closer and kiss him softly. "I love you so much" I whisper against his lips. He kisses my forehead and then leads me into the bedroom. He throws me one of his shirts with a smirk. "Thank you" I giggle. I pull off my blouse and jeans and place the shirt on. I climb into bed and wait for Cole. 

"I'm here" He chuckles as he turns off the lamp and climbs in. I gently rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "I love you" I murmur. "I love you too, Beautiful"... "So much"...

Word count: 718

Going to be writing shorter chapters some will be long though so don't worry. 

Off-screen- A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now