23- Pool day

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(A couple weeks later)

Cole's pov:

"Can I please have Lili, Camila, Charles, Cole, Kj and Madelaine in the meeting room immediately" I hear over the speakers as I was in my trailer. I groan as I get off the couch and then walk out. "I wonder what this is about" Kj says as we walk into the room. "Hi, Baby" I whisper to Lili as I sit next to her. "Hi, Handsome" She whispers back. "So, I have called you all here today because we have some interviews in LA coming up next week that I need you six to go to" Roberto says as we hands us some paper. "So we get a week off?" Cami asks. "Yep, We are only filming with the others at the moment since we are all caught up on all your scenes". "Sweet" Charles says as he stands up. "So, We will all be at the same panels this time?" Lili asks. "Yes" Roberto smirks as we knows what happened when Lili and I were at different panels. "Your plane leaves on Sunday at 9am and you will return the following Thursday" He says. "This is exiting" Lili says to me as she links her hand with mine. I  kiss her temple slightly as I nod. 

(Sunday at the hotel)

"That plane trip was so boring" Lili says as we enter the hotel with the others. Everyone laughs as Lili just giggles. Cami gets all the keys for us and hands them over. "Let's all meet by the pool in an hour" Mads says. "Sounds good" We all agree. Lili and I make our way to the room with was on the second floor. As we go in Lili places her suitcase on the ground and then jumps on the bed. "Goodnight world!" She yells. "Lili" I chuckle. "I'm sleepy" She murmurs as I lie next to her. "40 minuets, Then we go to the pool" I say as I brush the hair form her face. She nods and then shuts her eyes. "Love you" I smile. "Love you" She mumbles. 

Lili's pov:

"Lil, Come on, Wake up" I hear Cole says as he lightly shakes me. "No" I groan. "We have to meet the cast, Baby" He chuckles softly. I roll over and rub my eyes. "If you can find my white bikini for me then maybe I will come" I murmur. "Alright, Deal". 

"Found it!" He yells. "A deal is a deal" I grin as I get off the bed. "My lady" He smirks as he passes me the bikini. "Why thank you" I smirk back. I quickly get changed along with Cole and then we go down the pool. "Finally!" Cami yells as we come through the gate. "Why is no one here?" Cole asks. "Roberto booked it out for us" Kj answers. Cole nods and goes over to the guys while I go over to Cami and Mads who were tanning on the sunbathing chairs. 

Cole's pov:

The girl's were all lying on the sun bathing chairs while the guys and I were in the pool. "When are the girls gonna get In" Charles asks me. "Right now" I smirk which makes him smirk back. We tell Kj what we were going to do and he seemed quite pleased with it. "They are going to kill us" He chuckles. "Oh well" We all shrug.  We approach the girls quietly and then we pick the girls up bridal style and carry them to the pool. "Put us down!" Cami screeches. "I hate the water" Mads yells. "Cole, please don't" Lili begs me. "Why" I smirk as I dangle her over the pool. "Cole, just don't" She says sharply. "How much do you love me" I smirk. "I love you so much" She giggles. "Yeah, But how much" I grin. "To the moon and stars back a trillion billon times" She laughs. "Fine but you're getting in" I say. The boys chucked the other girls into the pool and are now splashing them. I walked down the steps with Lili in my arms, she had her arms around my neck and her eyes on mine. As we get deeper into the water, Lili changes her position so her legs were around my torso and her arms were around my neck. We were quietly talking on the corner while the others were having a water fight. "They act like children" Lili giggles. I smirk as lightly splash water on her face. "You are dead!" She yells as she jumps off me and starts slashing me. 'God I love her so much'. 

(8pm- After dinner)

Lili's pov:

Cole and I were walking back to our room from just eating dinner. "I am so full and so tired" I complain. "Same" He says. Once we got back to the room we both quickly got changed and then got into bed. "That feels so much better" He says as I rest my head on his chest and cuddle against him. "It does" I say softly. "I love you, Baby" He whispers. "I love you too" I whisper and that is when I fell asleep. 

Word count: 878

Short and boring, I can't write anything good at the moment, I have writers block. 

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