21- Panels

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(One month later)

Lili's pov:

"But I don't want to" I cry in Cole's shoulder. "Baby, It's only for three days" He murmurs. "But I'm going to miss you!" I cry harder. "Hey, The girls will be with you through the whole three days and we can call" He whispers. Roberto just told us that Cami, Mads, Vanessa and I and then Cole, Kj, Charles and Casey will be going to Riverdale panels... In different places. "B-but at night" I stutter. "Baby, We have a week until we leave, Let's just wait until then, Okay" He says. I nod but still cling onto him. "I love you" He whispers. "I love you too".

(One week later)

Today was the day that we were going to the separate panels and I was not excited at all. We all had around the same flight times so Cole and I could go to the airport together.

"You ready to go, Lil?" Cole asks. "Yeah" I murmur. "Don't worry, Baby, You will be okay" He reassures me. "Will you call me on the plane?" I ask. "Of course" He grins and kisses me softly. Once we got to the airport, paparazzi swarmed around us which made my anxiety even worse. Cole grabs the suitcases out of the taxi and then leads me inside to a room that Roberto had booked for us. Once we got into the room, I sat in Cole's lap and cried, I just cried. "Oh, Lil" Cole sighs as he runs his hands through my hair. "Baby, breath for me" Cole says as he kisses my hair. "I'm scared" I sob. "Lil, you're going to be okay, I promise" Cole says as he kisses my head. "Uh, Cole, We need to go" Kj sighs. "Please don't leave me" I cry. "Lili, baby, I will call you every single day and night, Okay" Cole says. I nod and looks into Cole's ocean blue eyes. He then raises his eyebrow up at me. He smirks at me which makes me smile slightly. "That's the beautiful smile I know" Cole smiles. I giggle again and cuddle more into his chest. "Alight, I need to go, Lil" He sighs. "No" I demand. "I'm sorry, Lil" He says and picks me up 'bridal style'. "Put me down" I snap. He puts me down and I jump straight back into my arms. I wrap my legs around his torso and then I put my arms around his neck. I connected my lips to his and kiss him hardly. "I'm going to miss you so much, Baby" He says. "Im going to miss you to" I say as tears fall down my face. "Cole, We have to go" Kj repeats. "I will see you in three days, Bub" Cole says as he places me down. "I love you, Cole, be safe" I say in tears. "I love you too, Baby" He says. He then leaves with Charles, Casey and Kj. Cami hugs me tightly as I sob into her shoulder. "I-i'm s-sorry" I cry. "Shh, It's okay" She says. After she calmed me down we all walked to our plane. I sat with Cami in first class which meant I could face time Cole. 'Fuck, I already miss him so much'

Cole's pov:

We all arrived at the hotel at 7pm so we decided to just all hang out in Charles' room. "So how's things with you and Lili?" Kj asks. "Good" I nod. "How about you and Cami, Any progress been made?" I ask. "Well, We are kind of dating" He blushes. "Bro!" I shout. "This calls fro a celebration!" Kj yells. "I agree" Casey says as he hands us all beers. Throughout the night I almost had like a small pit in my stomach... I really missed Lil. At this point we were all pretty much drunk. "I'm ordering pizza!" Charles yells over the loud music. We were all being idiots until we hear a very loud knock. "Pizza!" Kj shouts as he opens the door. Once he payed the guy he comes back in a throws a box at Casey. Casey falls over laughing as do Kj and I because we were all so drunk. At around 1 am I stumbled back to my room and got into bed. I have to admit I am very anxious right now because Lili is not laying next to me but I shook those thoughts out of my head and shut my eyes. "Goodnight world" My drunk self laughs. "Goodnight, Lili"

Lili's pov:

Once we got to the hotel we all went straight to Cami's room. "Girls, lets have some fun tonight" I say with a smirk. "What are you thinking?" Nessa asks. "Sleepover!" Cami and I both scream. We all crack up laughing. "I'm thinking some movies, Ice cream, Pizza" I say but Mads cuts me off. "Vegan pizza" Mads says and giggles. "Of course, Mads" I chuckle. "Guys I'm on the pizza site so what should we get?" Nessa asks. "A vegan pizza!" Mads shouts and we all burst out laughing again. Cami grabs the wine and pours us all a glass. About 10 minuets of fighting about what pizza's to get we finally decide and order. "It should be here in 25 minuets" Nessa says. "Guys let's watch the titanic!" I shout. "Let met guess because of Leo" Cami laughs. "What, no" I say lying. "Sure let's watch it" Nessa says. The pizza comes late so by the time it arrived we all had mascara under our eyes from all the crying we had just done. We all ate like half a pizza each and after that we had a lot of ice cream and we were now completely stuffed. "I feel like dying" Mads says as she lays on the floor. "Same here" Nessa says. "I'm so full" Cami says. "Ugh I remember when Cole and I did this" I say and everyone laughs. "I miss him" I groan as I take a sip from my wine glass. "Oh that reminds me, I have some tea to spill" Camis smirks. "Go on" Nessa says. "Charles and I are dating" She giggles. "Oh my god!" I scream as I jump on her and hug her. The rest fo the night we all talked about girl stuff until we were all tired and fell asleep. As much as the girl talk distracted my mind from Cole, I still felt like something was missing and my anxiety was not leaving until I reunited with him again. 'Gosh I miss him'

Word count: 1117

Some of the chapters from now may contain chapters from my last Sprousehart story but they will be edited/ improved. 

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