17- Kisses exposed

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*Few weeks later (Tughead kiss)*

Cole's pov:

"Lil" I say as I try and shake her awake. "No" She whines as she pushes my face away. "Baby, we have too" I chuckle. "Can we please just skip this day" She sighs as she turns over so she is not looking at me. "I know it's hard, but we can do this" I say as I put my arm around her waist. She turns around and I can see the tears in her eyes. "Lil, don't cry" I say as I gently rub my thumb over her cheek. I pull her into a hug and kiss her head. "Your going to leave me" She says as she sniffles into my chest. "Baby, I would never leave you, I promise" I say sadly. I hate when Lili feels like this. "Promise?" She whispers as her head pokes up to look at me. "Promise" I smile and then gently place my lips onto hers. "But seriously we should get up" I smirk. She nods and rolls out of the bed. Once we got ready we both headed to set despite the fact that Lili didn't start for a few hours. "Ready?" I ask as I open the car door. "Yeah" She murmurs as she opens her car door. I grab her hand and lead her towards my trailer. "Morning!" Cami says excitingly. "Morning" Lili mumbles as she opens my trailer door. "Whats up?" Cami asks. "Kiss" I mouth too Cami. She nods and smiles. "I better go" She says and then trots off towards her trailer. Lili and I go into my trailer for a split second because I had to go get my make up done. "Morning!" Mads says as we enter the trailer. "Morning" I smile as I sit in my make up chair. Lili doesn't say anything, she just plots herself down in my lap as she cuddles into my chest. "Lil?" Mads asks. I shake my head at Mads. She nods and looks at her phone. "Hi" Vanessa smiles as she enters with Madchen. I can feel Lili's body tense up so I gently kiss her head. I smile at Vanessa as she sits down next to me. "Lili, sorry to be a pain but I have to touch up up Cole's face" Terry smirks. "It's already perfect" She mumbles into my chest. "Wanna go to the couch for a minuet?" I ask. She shakes her head and then nuzzles her head further into my chest. "Lil" I sigh quietly. "Fine" She snaps and then walks out of the trailer, slamming the door behind her. "What's up with her?" Vanessa asks. "Period!" Charles shouts. "Shut your face before I do it for you" I snap at Charles as I walk out of the trailer. "Hey Cole" Cami says as I almost smash into her. "What's the hurry?" She asks. "Have you seen Lili?" I ask. "That way" She points. "Thanks" I say as I start jogging towards her trailer. I open her door slightly as I poke my head around the corner. I go into the bedroom to see her with her headphones in and a book out in front of her. I sit down next to Lil and take out one of the earphones. I rest my head onto her shoulder and plug the earphone into my ear. We stay in that position for around 5 minuets until I pull the earphones out of our ears. "What" She huffs. "I didn't mean to make you upset, baby" I sigh. "Mm" She mumbles as she stares at her book. "Lil, please" I say as I take the book out of her hand. "I'm fine, go film" She says. "Your not fine, baby" I sigh. "Can you just leave" She groans as she pushes my head off her shoulder. "Not until you smile" I smirk as I tackle her lightly, so I am on top of her. "Stop!" She yells. I start tickling her sides as she squeals with laughter. "Cole!" She screams through her laughs. "Thats the smile I love" I say as I stop tickling her. "What smile" She says with a pouty face. "This one" I smirk as I tickle her again. "No stop!" She laughs. I slowly stop and pull her into my chest. "I love you, baby" I say as I kiss the top of her head. "I love you too" She smiles as she looks up at me. "Can we go and do our make up now?" I ask. "I don't want to" She pouts. "Come on, Lil, please" I say. She slightly nods so I pick her up and place her down on the floor. "Can you not sit near Vanessa" She says as we walk towards the trailer. "Lil, she means no harm" I say as I squeeze her hand. "Fine" She pouts as I open the door. "You alright?" Cami asks as she pulls Lili into a hug. They both sit onto the couch, still hugging. I sit in the chair that is in front of the couch so I can see Lili through the mirror. "Now, we have 10 minuets to do this, so no one distract him" Erin says as she twirls the chair around. "Wait!" Lili shouts as she jumps up from the couch. She grabs my face and quickly places a kiss to my lips. "Go ahead" She smirks as she jumps back onto the couch. Erin playfully rolls her eyes as she does some weird thing with a make up brush.


Lili's pov:

"Cole and Vanessa to set now" Roberto says as he quickly pokes his head through the make up trailer door and then runs. "Lil" Cole says as he turns his seat around. I feel anxiety all through my stomach as Cole tries to get my attention. "Lil, are you coming?" He asks for like the 5th time. "Cole, we have to go" Vanessa says. "You go" Cole says, so she rushes out the door, leaving Cole and I alone. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. "You can wait in my trailer if that helps" He sighs. "Im coming" I say as I stand up. "Lil" He sighs. "I'm coming" I snap as I stand up and walk towards the door. "Lili Reinhart, come here" He says sharply. "What?" I ask as I turn around. "If you come you can not slap Vanessa or me for that matter" He smirks. "I won't" I grin. "Good" He says as he pecks my lips. He grabs my hand and then pulls me out of the trailer.  " Hi, Cole- and Lili" Roberto stutters. "Hi!" I grin as I slop onto a crew members chair. "What is she doing here?" I hear Roberto whisper to Cole. "She insisted" I hear Cole sigh. "Are you ready then?" He asks. "How long do I kiss her?" Cole asks nervously. "5 seconds max!" I shout. "4 seconds" He says. I groan in frustration as Cole gets handed the ice pack. "Were only doing this once so don't screw up!" I shout at them. "Alright Lili, let me do the directing" Roberto smirks. "They are kissing once" I say while pouting. "Aw, Lil" Cole says as he comes over to me. "Once" I pout to him. "I promise" He smirks as he pecks my lips. "Alright let's get this done so we can all go home" Roberto says through the megaphone. I cringe as I see Cole and Vanessa sit next to each other. "And- Action!" Someone yells. They say their lines and then Vanessa moves in and kisses him. "And- Cut!" The same guy yells. I pull my legs up under my chin, still pouting. "See, it wasn't that bad" Cole smirks at me. "Go wash your lips" I say, still sitting in the chair. "On it" He grins as he skips away to the bathroom. "Thank you for being so cool about that, Lili" Vanessa smiles. "Yep" I say back a bit too harshly. "I'm sorry for having to kiss him" She sighs. "Hey, it's not your fault" I smile. "I'll see you tomorrow" She says nicely as she walks away. "Done" Cole smirks as he jumps in front of me. I point to my lips so he lightly presses his lips against mine. "Can we go now" I whine. "Come on, beautiful" He smirks as he picks me up bridal style. "Don't drop me" I giggle as he carries me towards his trailer I assume. "Cole, I have something to tell you" I sigh as we get into his trailer. "Is everything okay?" He asks with a worried expression. "Well" I murmur. "Lili, tell me" Cole pleads. "I was talking to Roberto-" I say and gulp. "um, he told me that in episode um 10, I uh kiss... Kj" I stutter. "Fuck no!" He shouts and slams open the door. "Cole, don't!" I yell as I run after him. "Roberto, this is bullshit!" He shouts as he runs into the meeting room. "Cole, what's the meaning of this?" He asks. "This whole kiss between Lili and Kj is being cancelled right the hell now!" He yells. "Cole, please!" I beg. "Cole, it's a show, you just kissed Vanessa" Roberto says. "I don't give a shit, she's mine!" He yells. "Excuse you, I am my own person thank you very much!" I shout at him. "Well, I don't want guys drooling all over you!" He shouts back. "Maybe I want to kiss Kj!" I shout at him not even realising how much that would hurt him. "Fine, whatever, find you own fucking way home!" He snaps as he walks out the door while slamming it. "Roberto, I am so sorry" I apologise. "He just doesn't want to loose you" He softly smiles. "It still isn't an excuse" I say. "Go and talk to him" He says as she gathers his things. I nod and head towards Cole's trailer. "Cole" I say as I knock. "If it's the girl who hates me, go away" He snaps. "Cole, I don't hate you" I say. "I'm not talking to you" He says and then goes quiet. "Alright, I guess you don't want kisses or cuddles anymore" I say while smirking. The door flies open as he grabs my hand and pulls me inside. "I knew you couldn't resist" I smirk as I hide my face into his chest. "I don't want you kissing anyone" He whines. "Cole, I just watched you kiss someone" I smirk. "Yeah, but it's not the same" He pouts. "Can we just go back to your apartment?" I ask. "You know, you should really just move in with me" He smirks. "Really!?" I ask. "You technically already live there" He grins. "I'll think about it" I smirk as I pull him towards his car.

Word count: 1813

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