15- Young Hollywood

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Lili's pov:

Today we would be doing interviews with 'Young Hollywood'. I was really excited to do the interviews but also nervous, incase they ask about Cole and I. I hate lying to everyone but it is my personal life and I am entitled to keep it private. "Cole, wake up" I say as I shake him. "No" He groans as he pulls me on top of him. "Cole, we have to go" I chuckle.  "I don't want to" He pouts. "Cole, come on" I giggle. He kisses my nose and then opens his eyes. "Fine" He smirks. I roll off him and then get out of the hotel bed. "I can't wait to film season 2" I say as I enter the bathroom. "I can't wait for today" He smirks as he kisses my neck. "Stop, I already have to cover a million of them" I chuckle. He stops and grabs his toothbrush. "Don't pout" I giggle. "Nope, I understand" He says and turns his back as a joke. "Come here you big baby" I chuckle. He turns around and kisses my forehead. We both brush our teeth and then quickly get changed. "I'm gonna miss kissing you all day" He says holding my waist. "Me too" I chuckle and peck his lips. We both walk out of the hotel and met the rest of the cast in the main entrance. "All ready to go?" Cami asks. We all nod and get into the Ubers we called. I went with Camila and Madelaine while Cole went with Kj and Casey. "I have something to tell you guys, but you can't tell anyone" Mads says. "Can I tell Cole?" I ask. "Fine" She says. "Alright tell us" Cami says. "I know who the new Reggie is and we are getting a new main character is" She says. "Is he hot!?" Cami squeals. "Who's the new character?" I ask. "I don't know the name of the character but the actor is Vanessa Morgan" She says. "Is that the girl from 'My baby-sitters a vampire'?" I ask. "Yeah, she looks really nice" Mads says. "Who's the guy?" Cami asks. "Charles Melton" Mads says. "How does you even know this?" I chuckle. "It's called finding stuff in the trash can" Mads smirks. "You evil little thing" I say. "Oh my god, he's hot!" Cami squeals. "Already searching his name" I laugh. "Look!" She says. "Not bad" I giggle. Once we got to the studio we all had a huge cast room to sit in. "Are their cameras in here?" I ask one of the stage mangers. "No" He says. "So, if I spill a tiny secret in here, the world is not going to know?" I ask. "Nope" He says. "Alright" I say and run up to Cole. "Hey Lil-" He was saying but I cut him off with a passionate kiss. "She is getting her man!" Cami yells. "Baby, cameras" He whispers. "No cameras" I smirk. "In that case" He smirks and kisses me again. "Sprousehart!" Casey shouts. "Kj, you're up first, so could you please come with me" A stage manger says. "Good luck, Bro!" Cole shouts as a joke. "Shut up" Kj laughs. 

It was now my turn for the interview and I was really excited. Cole had already gone and he said it was really fun. Once I got on Tracy (The interviewer) started talking about my outfit which was really nice. They then bought out lunchables  for me which is amazing cause it has to be one of my favourite foods. Then we just talked a bit about season 1. Then we started playing a small game of 'Rapid fire'. I answer a few questions and then one particular question comes up. 

"A person to most likely get stuck on a dessert island and why?" She asks. "Um, the first person that popped into my head was Camila, um, I just imagine her going on a cruise and the cruise ship went down and she's on an island, I just feel like that would happen to Cami, Poor my sweet, poor little sweet Cami" I say, knowing she was going to kill me. Then I looked at the screen and saw KJ's interview. He also said Camila. I had a feeling Cole was also going to say Cami or maybe even Mads but I was wrong. "Lili" Cole says. I look at the screen like 'Are you kidding me right now'. "Um, I feel like she just stumbles, she stumbles into situations where she is like 'I am not equipped for this'"  He says. 'He's dead when I see him' I think and my face clearly shows it. I was at a lost for words, all I could drag out was 'Wow'. I get asked a few more questions and then we wrap it up. 

"Cole mother fucking Sprouse, You are dead!" I yell. Everyone cracks up laughing knowing why because we can see the interviews through a screen from the room. "Its true!" He shouts as I chase him around the room. "Take that back!" I yell. "Hey, you said me, so you can't say much!" Cami yells/laughs. "I don't care, he's my boyfriend!" I yell back (Nicely) Everyone laughs as I continue chasing Cole. I finally reach him and jump onto his back. "Can't do much from up there" He laughs. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me over to the couch. He sits down sideways so I can get off his back. "Your so adorable, Lil" He chuckles. I sit in-between his legs so my back is up against him chest. "I know" I giggle. He leans to the side and kisses my cheek. "Love you" He whispers. "Love you too" I whisper back. 

Cole's pov:

I said Lili in the interview because I knew it would start her up but also because she's my little baby and I feel like if that would happen I would be there to save her 😂 "When can we go?" She asks me. "When we are aloud too" I chuckle. She groans and looks back at her phone. We spent most of the day at the young Hollywood studio but eventually we were able to go back to the hotel. "What are you guys getting for dinner?" Cami asks as we get back. I was about to speak but of course Lili says this. "Room service" Lili says. "Let's go out for dinner" Mads says. "Nope, I'm tired, bye" She chuckles and starts going upstairs. "Its because we have to get up early to leave" I chuckle. "We know" Cami says with a laugh. "I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say and walk upstairs to the room. When I got in I saw Lili at the small table, reading the room service menu. "Not even surprised" I chuckle. "I'm hungry, I have only eaten lunchables" She says. I nod and lift her up and then sit down on the chair, placing Lili on my lap.  "What are you having" I say as I place my chin on her shoulder. "Can we just post mate, Chicken wings here" I say. "Anything for you" I say and grab out my phone. I transfer Lili and I over to the bed so it is easier to order. Once we ordered out food it said it would be 30 minuets so we just decided to watch Netflix on her laptop. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" She asks. "We have to be up by 6:30" I sigh. She groans into my chest and I can just see her pouting face. "Your so cute" I chuckle. "Stop" She whines. "Cutie" I murmur. "Cole, stop" She whines again but this time more like a baby. "When you do that, your adorable" I chuckle. She slaps my chest and buries her head in more. 

We hear a knock at the door so I get up and answer it. It was the post mates guy so I quickly pay him and then bring the food inside. "Finally, I'm starving" Lili says as she sits up. I grab two plates and 2 glasses and sit down on the bed. In the glasses, I pour in some mountain dew and then serve out the food on the plates. Instantly, Lili starts eating. "Good?" I ask. "Excellent" She says and takes a bit out of her chicken wing. I chuckle and then continue eating my food. After we finished, I placed the plates in the tiny, tiny kitchen and then we both got changed into our nightwear which consisted of me in my boxers and Lil, in one of my shirts and her underwear. "I'm so full" She groans as she lays her head onto my chest. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. "Night, beautiful" I mumble. "Night, handsome" She chuckles and closes her eyes. I kiss her head once more and then close my eyes as well. 

Word count: 1507

I know this is short but, oh well Xx

Off-screen- A Sprousehart storyWhere stories live. Discover now