Part 25- Table read (S3)

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Cole's pov:

"Lil, Baby" I murmur as I stroke her hair softly. "Mm" She mumbles as she hides her face in my chest. "We have to get ready, Baby". "God, It's so early!" She groans as she stretches out. "Babe, It's 8am" I chuckle. "So early!". "Come on, We need to be there at 9". She rolls out of bed and stumbles around the apartment. 

"Lili!" Cami and Mads shout as we enter into the meeting room. "Cami, Mads!" Lili shouts as she wraps her arms around them both. "Hey, Bro" Kj says as we quickly hug. "How have you been?" I ask. "Eh, Good" He shrugs. "Hey, Guys" Luke says as he comes in. We all say our hellos and then we all sit down. Lili and kJ were seated next to me. "Good morning, Everyone!" Roberto says as he sits himself down next to Madchen. "Let's get straight into this, So, Cole, please can you start". 

"It's the calm before the storm. The summer before your junior year in high school. And how do you spend it? Working some brutal summer job that actually makes you look forward to going back to school. Or maybe you have an internship that doesn't pay much, but that's okay, because it's for a good cause. Or maybe you spent it at Sweet water Swimming Hole. You And the best friends you'll ever have. Or maybe you spent most of June-July-August in a courtroom, Supporting our pal, Archie Andrews, who was on trial for a murder he didn't commit, despite the DA's closing arguments"...

(Later on in the table read)

"Jug, I'm not ready for summer to be over. I don't think I can handle it" Lili says. "What do you mean? Sure you can". "Jug, this summer, I haven't stopped or slept a wink, working on Archie's case. I've barely looked up since May, and My mom and Polly think that I've been hiding or avoiding, and they're right. Maybe I should stop taking adderall  and start seeing a therapist, for real. Either way, come Tuesday, it'll all be over. And I'll have to face everything. Everything That has happened, everything that will happen. All these things that I don't have control over, they terrify me" God she is perfect. "Betty, we're gonna get through it. From now on, we're partners. In Serpents, in life, all of it. Okay?" I say as she nods softly. I lean in a little and she gently connects our lips together. "Ronnie...". 

"Well that was fun" Lili says as we walk hand in hand to the car. "You did great, Lil". "You did too, Cole" She giggles. I gently move her in front of me and kiss her softly. "Love you" She smiles softly. "I love you too, Beautiful". 

Lili's pov:

After we picked up Taco Bell and got back to the apartment it was already 7pm. I jump onto the couch and cuddle under the blankets. "Finally" I breath out. Cole lies next to me with the bag of food in his left hand. "Thank you" I giggle as he passes me my food. "No problem". I switch on the tv and put on some random show. "You don't even know how much I love you, Lili" Cole says softly. I gently smile up at him and peck his lips. "I love you so much". 

Word count: 579

Really short because I needed the table read for season 3 out of the way. 

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