(Left With My Thoughts)Tate Langdon

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This story may include some sensitive topics such as, mental illness, pain, alluding to hurting yourself. 

     I have lived in the known 'Murder House' for about a month now. Cordillera sent me here to keep the house clean and looking in shape.  I wasn't a witch, more of a gifted child. I can see ghosts weather they want me to see them or not. This place was nice for me to live. There was plenty of company and it was truly a gorgeous house. 

I sat on my bed and was left thinking...

'Your so ugly.'

'No one will ever love you.'



'Stupid. Useless. Prick.'

I thought all these things and began to cry. I had this problem where I would think these things. I used to hurt myself but, I stopped a while back. It wasn't getting better, but I could control myself when I felt this way. I stopped hurting my self and just cried instead. 

I was crying alone in my room when I heard a voice from the hallway. 

"(y/n)?..." I heard Tate say as he walked towards me.

I wiped my tears away. 

"Yeah, whats up?" I asked smiling the best I could.

He sat down on the bed next to me. He had a sad look on his face. He put his arms around me and gave me a big hug.

"Whats wrong. You can tell me." he whispered.

I started to cry again.

"I feel useless, I am ugly, and I'm stupid. I hate myself." I said crying into his neck.

He rocked me and caressed my cheek.

"Don't say those things. Your not any of that (y/n)... Your beautiful, smart, and very useful. If you weren't, why would Cordillera put you here, Murder House... the place that needs the most attention. " he said kissing the top of my head.

I held onto his shirt and sniffed.

"Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't do anything but make you feel bad." He said cupping my cheeks.

I stared into his eyes and smiled at him.

"I love you (y/n)." he said before kissing me. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too Tate..." I said against his lips.

He pulled me onto him and held my head with one hand and my back with the other. 

I pulled away from the kiss and stared at him.

"Your the only one I need (y/n). Don't do anything stupid." he said smiling and pressing his forehead onto mine.

I smiled at him.

"I wont, I promise. I will never leave you..."


Hey I'm sorry this chapter sucked :/ but if any of you do feel like this you can talk to me about it! I am a good listener and like helping people. 

Love you all~


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