(Ice Cream)Luke Cooper

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This was a request by freddieshufflepuff , Thank you for requesting!

Type- Fluff

Warnings- None

I woke up beside my beloved boyfriend, Luke Cooper. He was sound asleep with his legs wrapped around a spare pillow. I smiled at him. He looked so innocent and sweet. I loved sleeping over at Luke's house. It was like the best kind of sleepover you could have. One where you're with your S.O. 

I start to play with the curly locks of his hair. He doesn't move a muscle. I can see his chest moving up and down from his deep breathing.  Other than that he was still. No twitching or anything. He was just, still. 

"Hey, Luke~" I whisper into his ear. 

He flinches a bit but doesn't wake up. 

"Luke~ wake up," I say rocking him side to side. I hated waking him up but it was already 12! 

Luke groaned and shoved his face in his pillow. 

"Luke it's 12 o'clock!" I said sitting up.

"SO!" he said whining. 

I rolled my eyes and started to play with the hair on the back of his head. 

"I kind of want some ice cream right now... let's go get ice cream, Luke!" I said patting the back of his head. 

He turned over and smiled at me. 

"Okay, let's get ready to go," he said slowly getting up from the bed. 

When he rose, he kissed my cheek and got up. 

I smiled and walked over to my bag sitting in the corner of the room. I pulled out an oversized shirt and a pair of black shorts. 

I slip them on and put my dirty clothes back in the bag. 

"You ready?" Luke said smiling at me.

"Yep!" I say following him out the door.

When we got to the ice cream shop, there was hardly anyone in there! We walked up to the line and looked at all the flavors. 

"Hello! What can I get you guys today?!" the lady with red hair asked us holding a scoop in her hand. 

"Hello, I think I will take the Rocky Road ice cream. One scoop," Luke said. 

"Alrighty!" the lady said grabbing a cup and making his ice cream. 

"And what about for you ma'am?" she asked me. 

"Uhmm," I had anxiety so situations like these ones were very hard on me. 

"I'll take the Cookies & Cream," I blurt out. 

"Okay!" the lady says getting a scoop of the ice cream and plopping it into a bowl. 

"I thought you hated Cookies & Cream?" Luke whispered into my ear.

"I don't HATE it... just not my favorite," I said completely lying. I really did hate Cookies & Cream. But oh well.

"That's gonna be $8.47," the lady said smiling at the both of us. 

Peter paid for our food then we sat down outside. 

"So why did you do that?" Peter asked me as I poked at my ice cream.

"Ugh. I just do stupid things like that when I'm under pressure. I'll be fine though," I said trying a small taste of my food.

"Wait here," Luke said getting up. 

He walked into the shop again and I rolled my eyes. I smiled to myself, "Where did I find such a perfect guy?" 

He walks back out with my favorite ice cream of all time, Strawberry!

"Here you go baby," he said handing me the ice cream and taking the old one away from me. 

"I love you, Luke!" I said hugging him.

"I love you too~" 


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