(Happy Birthday)Kai Anderson

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This was a request by, @_4NDY_   Thank you so much for requesting!!! ILYSM! 

I suck BIG BOOTY when it comes to writing lemons so I apologize in advance for how bad this is probably going to be. Also, this is hella off-topic but PLEASE GO LISTEN TO MY BABY LENTRA ceo(at sign) buissness.com  

Warnings- THIS IS A LEMON, also the girl's name in this is Andy

Type- ... lemon 😳

I sat in the corner of the council room listening to music on my phone. I hated going to my father's meetings. He was a part of the city council and made me go to all of his meetings. He said it would be "a good learning experience". I have been to so many meetings and shit in the past year or so that it isn't teaching me anything anymore. It's just annoying. 

As the room filled with people and candidates and people who came to watch, I turned my music up more and more. 

"I think it's time to start!" my dad, Clarence Burhoper, said. He was on the board already and was one of the people who got to decide who would be the next council member. 

The meeting started and people started giving speeches and such. I ignored most of it and stayed on my phone for most of the time. I was listening to one of my favorite songs when I saw a man with blue hair step up to the podium. I paused my music but, kept my earbuds in. 

"Hello, council members and people of Brookfield Heights. My name is Kai Anderson and one of my dreams since I was a young child, has been to be apart of a city council board. And here I am, making my dreams a reality."  he said smirking at the crowd. They all clapped and cheered.

I couldn't my eyes off of him. There was something about him that was intriguing to me. Whether it was his greasy blue hair pulled back into a bun matched with a nice suit and shoes or, the way he worded every sentence like it was important and meaningful. Almost like his mindset was older than he was. 

He continued to give an amazing speech that made the crowd happy. When all of the speeches were finished, I got up and walked over to my father. He was putting papers in a suitcase and handing out papers to his other members of what happened in this meeting.

"Hey," I said helping him put his things in his bag.

"What?" he asked glaring at me.

I was used to this talk. He never treated me right. He would abuse me mentally and physically... I had scars all over my body from him. Ever since my mother and sister died in a car accident, he has acted this way to me. That happened when I was three. I remember the day it happened clearly. I remember him telling me it was my fault. It was the first time he hit me. 

"I- I was just saying hi. You did really good dad," I said picking up his bag.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked his bag back.

"Stop being a suck-up," he said quietly.

He waved at a few people as we left the building. I got in the car and he started to drive out of the parking lot. On our way out I saw the man with the blue hair, Kai, again. He was getting into a small yellow car. I stared at him he saw me and smiled with a wink. I blushed lightly and my dad pulled out of the lot.

We were silent for about half of the ride home. 

"So, did you learn anything today dearest?" my father said aggressively.

Here it comes.

"Um, yes I did,"  I said with a gulp.

"Yes what?" he said gripping my leg harshly.

"Yes, daddy..." I said choking up. 

"That's my girl," he said letting go of my leg and speeding up the car.

From how hard he gripped me, I knew I was going to have a bruise later. 

When we got home, I ran up to my room and sat on my bed. I took off my day clothes and got into something more comfortable. I stared at the bruise on my thy. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched it turn from yellow to a greenish-blue. 

I lay down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I was so tired of this abuse but, I didn't know how to stop it. I didn't know who to tell. My father was friends with the police so I knew they wouldn't help me. I have no friends and no other family that I keep in contact with. I was lost. I was helpless. 

I picked up my phone and opened it. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I went on google. 

I looked up the name 'Kai Anderson'. I was just curious as to what would pop up when I searched the name. I clicked 'search' and the results showed. 

Kai Anderson's Instagram, Kai Anderson's Campaigns, Kai Anderson's twitter. Every social media possibly popped up. I clicked on the first link which took me to a blog he had.

It was just filled with government and official stuff. Nothing that interested me. That seemed to be everything that was on anything of his socials. Nothing about his personal life. It was weird.

I was stuck reading his boring tweets when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in..." I said turning my phone off and hiding it under a pillow. 

My father walked in holding a stack of cards. 

"Hey baby girl, I have the invitations to your birthday! I'm sending them out tomorrow. Are you excited?!" he said swinging the invitations around.

I nodded and smiled at him. 

"Good," he said walking over to me and hugging me. His arms slowly tightened around me, I knew what was coming. He slammed be backward. I could feel my box-springs hit the middle of my back. His free hand roamed my body and clothes.

"Now. Be a good girl and cooperate with daddy," 


This is part one to this request, part 2 is coming out soon!

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