Chapter Thirteen - Elizabeth's POV

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Dread washed over me as I saw my family's estate drawing near. I did not know what exactly it was, but I knew that something terrible was going to happen. Knowing my mother the way I did, I was certain that she would be furious with me, more so for staying with Garrett than for running off. If I had just run off and returned a few hours later, I probably would have received no more than a lecture. However, I could not even hope to comprehend how horrible the punishment she had in store for me would be. All I knew was that it would surely be terrible.

I prayed desperately that my father had been successful in persuading my mother. Even though I secretly knew that my mother's mind was never swayed when it came to punishments. Her resolve to make my life miserable was as cold and hard as stone. I was convinced that she did not even know the meaning of compassion or mercy, for she never showed any. How I wished that I could have stayed with Garrett for the rest of my life. We could return with his uncle to London and start a new life there, where he could fulfill his dream of being a famous composer and musician, and I could have access to all the books I desired.

Unfortunately, that was just a fantasy concocted purely of my imagination. The reality that laid before my eyes was much grimmer. I had to be brave and face my mother's wrath eventually. As much as I would have loved to, I could not hide from her forever. Besides, if I did not go to see her, she would track me down and find me regardless. She did happen to own a bloodhound. Diamond was one of the best tracking dogs in town and was known for her exceptionally painful bite.

By the time the carriage stopped in front of the house, I was shaking so terribly that I had to grab hold of something to steady myself as I stepped out. Thankfully Garrett's footman was there to help me remain on my feet. My ankle was already enough of a hindrance as it was. Because of it, I would be confined to this house for many days, unable to run away or even defend myself against my mother if need be. The injury rendered me helpless and condemned me to submit to her will. There would be no way to escape.

"You must thank your master for lending me his carriage," I told the footman, letting go of his hand reluctantly. If only someone could come in with me to prevent my mother from hurting me. She would never do anything before the eyes of the public. Although I suppose she would not care about what he thought. Technically he was a servant, and in Mother's eyes, servants were worthless.

"I shall do so as soon as I return," he promised, closing the door and climbing back up to his post.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to muster up all the courage I could before slowly trudging up to the door. One would never believe just how much I did not want to go inside. Unfortunately for me, this was my home and as long as I remained unmarried, I was stuck living here. I reached forward and pulled the door open, a shiver running down my spine as soon as I stepped over the threshold. While at Garrett's estate I had felt nothing but peace, but there was no such thing in this house. I could feel the tension in the air that had always been constantly present throughout my life.

Upon entering the entrance hall, I found the butler waiting for me with my lady's maid. Without a word of greeting, they took my luggage from me and told me that my mother and father wanted to speak with me in the drawing-room. I gulped when I heard that. If Mother and Father were both wanting to see me, then it could not be good. Father had most likely failed in his attempts to straighten Mother out and was keeping her in his sight to ensure that she did not inflict too much damage on me. Not that it would matter when it came right down to it. Mother always regarded Father as weak-willed and timid.

Hesitantly I dragged myself down the adjoining corridor, the tension in the air growing stronger with each passing moment. At that moment, I would have faced a venomous snake rather than face my parents. Although there was not much of a difference. Perhaps this was Garrett's influence rubbing off on me, but my mother was a lot like a snake. She was cunning and deceptive like one and had been known to hiss on the rare occasion. If only she was a snake, then she would be easier to step on.

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