Every Breath You Take

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Marcus was fuming. Despite his new title as Captain, he didn't have enough authority to do anything but sit still. Persephone had assigned him to Admiral Stevens' craft, which made absolutely no sense. He wasn't going to be of any use on a Seafarer's ship!

Five of Arc City One's largest warships (of which there were only seven) were engaged, and the Seafarer bay had been buzzing with activity by the time he got his orders.

"How are those sea legs, Captain?" Admiral Stevens asked him with a chuckle.

"Great." Marcus lied, the air pressure was wreaking havoc on his thought process. Plus, Marcus didn't like confined spaces. "What do you need me to do?"

"Don't touch anything." The Admiral winked at Marcus as he sauntered away, leaving him hapless. What use was being a Captain when you didn't have any troops to lead? "Alright everyone, get ready for convergence!"

Marcus' eyes swept the cabin as seafarers zoomed into action. A rumble shook the floor as the ship began to change from the outside. Marcus' eyes bulged at the proximity of the four other vessels in the water getting too close for comfort.

"Beginning docking sequence!" One of the Sea Monkeys shouted out over his shoulder.

A sudden jolt from the left threw Marcus across the room straight into the burly back of one of the seafarers.

"Hold on big guy!" She remarked, shoving him off to focus on her duties. "Things are about to get bumpy."

Marcus was barely able to get himself into one of the central console seats before the ship rocked to the right. He noticed that Admiral and the rest of the Sea Monkeys swayed agility with the movement with their feet planted shoulder-width apart.

"I'm a Captain by the way," Marcus informed her as soon as he was able to sit upright.

"Where are your stripes?" The Seafarer asked as a single eyebrow shot up into her hairline.

Marcus clamped his mouth shut at that. He was at a disadvantage here, and it slowly dawned on him that perhaps this could have been what Persephone was trying to do. 

There was no time to fret about this though as another loud clanging pushed the ship downward.

"What is going on?" Marcus asked the female seafarer.

She could be pretty if she wasn't so beefy, Marcus noted to himself.

"We're combining the ships." She answered, her attention diverted elsewhere. "We'll get there faster."

Marcus nodded and let her work, choosing to watch the huge digital monitors at the front. It wasn't a window, as he'd originally assumed. Both 'eyes' of Admiral Stevens ship, the Argo, were actually made up of billions of pixels reflecting every angle outside of the ship. At any time, the Admiral could switch the feed to show their surroundings.

Once things had settled down and the Seafarers relaxed a little, Marcus pounced. "Can I travel between the other ships?" He tried to keep his tone nonchalant.

The Sea Monkey gave him a funny look, technically this flatfoot wasn't even supposed to be on this mission. Persephone had insisted he come along at the last minute and Admiral Stevens didn't care enough to argue.

"Sure." She shrugged. "But I wouldn't go too far if I were you."

"Oh yeah?" Marcus challenged playfully. "Why's that?"

"Because Admiral Stevens doesn't like dallying on his ship." She remarked flippantly. "And he must've had some job in mind for you when he let you tag along."

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