Man in The Box

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Persephone waited until the shipping bay doors had closed before she leaned against them. The wind in her lungs had been stolen, leaving her empty. Soon, her son would be out of her life, perhaps for good this time.

No parent can comprehend the agony of losing a child, but this was the second time for Persephone, and it cut even deeper than the first.

"What the hell are you playing at Persephone!" Captain Rogers barreled down the hallway leading a procession of Legionnaires.

Having just come from an emotionally charged conversation, she did not bother to try and hide the tears she was still shedding. Persephone did, however, straighten her shoulders to draw up to her full height, an action that immediately sent Captain Rodgers over the edge. 

"Captain Rogers, aren't you needed above ground?" Persephone swiftly compartmentalized the swirling tornado of grief ripping her apart. "I'm not so sure what you are playing at yourself."

"I want answers!" Captain Rogers barked as his heels skidded to an indignant stop. "Out of nowhere, you order the entire populous to evacuate? And I have to hear from my private that there's some sort of attack being carried out on Arc City Two?"

"Just who told you that?" Persephone asked trying to ignore the throbbing behind her left eye.

"Private Grisstop?" The captain called out.

Marcus didn't regret telling the secret he'd promised to keep, but he didn't like being called to the carpet for it. He stepped out of the line to face Persephone.

"It appears you have a hard time following orders," Persephone remarked with a smirk.

"You gave my private orders to hide this from me?" Captain Rogers sputtered, barely able to contain his anger.

"I asked that he keep the information to himself until we knew what was going on," Persephone explained to Captain Rogers. "Perhaps the question we both should be asking is why didn't your private come to you with this information, first?"

Captain Rogers' sparse hair quivered with fury at Persephone's accusatory question.

"Are you implying that I don't have control of my officers?" He raged.

The last thing Persephone needed was a second mutiny on her hands, and she could see the other Legionnaires bristle along with their Captain.

"I was inferring that the private may not have given you accurate information, and that could be dangerous for all of us," Persephone replied. "And the last I checked, I didn't need your permission to communicate a unanimous decision from the Quorum."

"You've got a mob of angry and confused citizens out there demanding answers!" Captain Rogers rebuffed. "Do you just expect them to follow this blindly?!"

"If they don't, they're in for a nasty surprise," Persephone said. "As I mentioned in my announcement, this is not a drill and we will be enacting the self-destruction protocol."

"I want to know what's going on! You're messing with people's lives here!" He ranted.

"Captain, we are saving lives," Persephone told him witheringly. "However, you are wasting my time with this erroneous line of questioning. Please instruct the rest of your soldiers to help our citizens to their evacuation crafts."

The Legionnaires behind Captain Rogers shifted uncomfortably. Technically their allegiance was to the citizens of Arc City One, but their careers were predicated on following the orders of their superior, which both of these people happened to be.

Captain Rogers was a respected authoritarian and father figure to his soldiers. All of that seemed to be in jeopardy now.

"The hell I will!" Captain Rogers' voice grew dangerously low. "I'm not following this order! Not without proof!"

Persephone looked to Marcus, her eyes hardening. "Marcus? How do you fancy yourself in a position of leadership?"

"W-what?" Marcus stuttered, confused by her question.

"I'm relieving Captain Rogers of his duties," Persephone explained carefully, using the smallest words in her vocabulary to help him along. "Captain Rogers, you are free to join an evacuation group or stay here on Arc City One. Your services are no longer required."

"I beg your pardon?!" Captain Rogers blustered, moving forward a step.

"I don't have time to repeat myself." Perhaps Captain Grisstop can explain it to you. Excuse me, I'm needed above ground."

In his mind, Marcus had been trained his whole life for this, and now was his chance to prove to everyone his strength of body and mind.

Sadly, those lacking the intelligence to have humility, tend to overlook the selfless bravery needed to lead. Persephone was well aware of the boy's weaknesses, but the only way to crush his dissension was to restore his false sense of pride.

"Yes, Ma'am," Marcus replied in wonderment before turning to his former superior. "Mr. Rogers, you are a civilian on a restricted floor. I'm going to have the rest of my officers to take you...away, from here."

Marcus faltered when he noticed the look of unadulterated odium in David Rogers' eyes, he couldn't afford to have his subordinates perceive him as weak.

"You're going to be sorry you did this," Rogers warned. "You both are."

"If we live through this," Persephone told him, "I'll be happy to accept your apology at a later date."

"Let's go!" Marcus shouted at his Legionnaires, while simultaneously wondering if Captain Rogers wouldn't mind giving up his uniform.

"Captain Grisstop?" Persephone cooed, her lilting voice laced with danger. "Would you escort me to the Seafarer bay?"

"Uh, yes," Marcus responded with a nod. "The rest of you go! You heard me!"

The Legionnaires, still very much confused as to what they'd just witnessed, began to move. Slowly, like molasses, they folded Captain Rogers into their numbers and marched for the elevators.

Persephone didn't wait for Marcus and took off in the opposite direction. Gliding with every step, she raced around the bots still littering the halls. Matthias' ship would be launching at any moment, and Persephone wanted to thank Meg personally before it was too late.

"I'm really honored that you gave me this shot," Marcus said as he jogged along beside Persephone. "I won't let you down."

"Oh, I know you won't," Persephone answered lightly. 

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