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Gayle and the rest of the Sirens were spread out roaming the Harmony building for Olivia. During the initial sweep, Bethany discovered Sarah's body on the floor of the bathroom and alerted the others. 

"There's no trace of her," Lauren worried catching up to Gayle who was storming down the hall towards the control room.

"Then keep looking," Gayle snapped over her shoulder. "Her body has to be somewhere!"

"Coeuss' told us he had a spider bot take care of the corpse." Lauren balked, unsure of what Gayle was getting at.

"I know what Coeuss told you!" Gayle raged. "Did you hear what I told you?"

"Yes," Lauren whispered. "We'll keep looking."

Lauren left Gayle to stew alone in the control room. She did not want to be seen second-guessing Coeuss, but his choice to dispose of Olivia before Gayle could confirm her death was troubling.

Gayle swiped a hand across the main panel to wake up the controls and bring up a blueprint of the Arc City. She studied their progress, noting that Coeuss had already managed to amass an impressive amount of scrap for production. Soon, they would snuff out the attack coming their way and infiltrate the abandoned Arc City One before it could be detonated.

Gayle brought up the complicated interface that controlled their legion of drones. As a Legionnaire, this was not her specialty. Not that she would have accepted a Sea Monkey's help if one were available. Determined to figure the mystery out on her own, Gayle began typing in commands only to be rebuffed with restricted access warnings.

"What the hell?" She fumed, punching the glass that housed their control pad and yanking her hand back in pain.

Gayle nursed her self-inflicted wound and glared angrily down at the console. Coeuss should be helping right now, she mulled, why wouldn't he be predicting my commands?

Persistently, Gayle pushed buttons and turned dials to try and ready their drone fleet, but to no avail. She was nearing a fit when Bethany ran into the room ahead of a few enforcer bots.

"What did you find?" Bethany panted, bustling over to the display. "What's this?"

"I'm organizing the drones." Gayle fibbed through clenched teeth. "But I keep hitting jams."

"Jams?" Bethany questioned, pushing past her and deftly moving her hands over the controls. "You'll need to access the H drive for that, here let me help."

Bethany took over, and Gayle moved over to the enforcer bots to inspect them (for something to look at more than anything else.)

There wasn't much to do but ensure that their drones were ready for action, no organization was actually required as Coeuss would take care of all that. But Bethany noticed the crazed look in Gayle's eye and wanted to calm her down.

"Coeuss dumped the body in the furnace," Bethany informed Gayle while she worked.

"You saw it?" Gayle asked doing a second walk-around of the bots.

"I didn't" Bethany confessed. "But there was fresh blood on the conveyer belt, I could DNA test it if you want to be sure?"

"No, that won't be necessary." Gayle teased, honing in on Bethany and closing the distance between them. "If Coeuss said it's done, then it's done."

"Shall I bring the other Sirens back here?" Bethany probed lightly.

"Yes, we need to get ready," Gayle told her. "Arc City One's ships will be here soon."

OGENUS EARTH 🌎 🌊 {Dystopian Sci-Fi Adventure}Where stories live. Discover now