Chapter 22 ~ Dawn

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The three laid on the snow, not caring about the cold that bit at their skin. They all breathed in the crisp air gratefully. Jace could see the very upper edge of the sun as it continued to climb.

Isaac got up first and helped Devin stand. Devin wobbled a bit, readjusted his glasses, and gave two thumbs up and a goofy smile. Isaac rolled his eyes.

"We just barely made it out of a burning barn... and you give a thumbs up?" said Isaac, smacking his forehead.

"Oh, let him be his weird self," said Jace, a slight smile on his face. He took his time to stand. His hand was back to his side. "Now, what do you say we get out of this place?"

"That's the spirit," said Isaac, grinning.

The three went over to the parked SUVs and motorcycles. Most of Tim's friends had fled by now, their motorcycle tracks leading away down the snowy path between the fields.

Craton's men were huddled. Craton laid, still unconscious, just beside them. Jace wondered why they didn't just get in their vehicles and drive off, but his mind wandered back to Felicity before he could think much about that.

There she was, alive and safe, standing next to a small van.

A van?

Jace investigated for a few seconds and saw Wesley sitting in the driver's spot.

With the windows rolled down, Wesley called, "Hurry up! Everyone else is in."

Isaac scoffed. "You don't have to tell me twice!"

He and Devin took off in full sprints toward the van.

Jace walked to City and wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him back. When she squeezed, Jace had to hold back a wince. The world began to tilt slightly until she let go. Even after she let go, Jace found himself blinking hard to fight off the black that was closing in on his vision.

But to have her back and safe was worth a thousand stab wounds.

"Are you all right?" she asked, concern etched on her face, getting a good look at Jace.

Jace realized he had been staring at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get in the van," mumbled Jace. His hand was still on his side. The stab wound was still bleeding.

There were three rows. Wesley was in the driver's seat with Shane sitting in the passenger's. In the very back row was Isaac, Devin, and then Audrey. The entire second row was saved for Jace and City.

Jace winced as he sat down, a movement that went unnoticed by the others.

Wesley sped off, leaving behind the burning building, Craton's men, and the black SUVs still parked. Just as he pulled away, police and fire trucks arrived, sirens still blaring. It seemed as though only Craton's men were left behind, thankfully.

After a minute of silence, everyone began talking at once.

Words about the fire, the fighting, everything was being exchanged. It made Jace's head spin. He stared out the window, eyes watching the white landscape pass by, listening to everything, taking in the golden sunrise that reflected off the snow. City's hand rested across his thigh.

"Tim's okay, he got a ride from someone!" said Isaac. "His motorcycle comrades made it out, too."

"Good!" replied Wesley.

"Hey, where were you the entire time?" asked Devin from the back.

"Uh, well..." began Wesley. "I don't know how to fight, so I decided to be of use in other ways. I slashed the SUV tires, all of them. That's why Craton's men couldn't just leave."

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