Angeline Fervan

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I heard the bell on the door ring and quickly looked up from the table I was serving. Just entering my diner was a couple, looking to be about 18. The guy was tall, messy haired, and if I was just 40 years younger... The woman was also fairly tall. She was slender and her curly blonde hair was up in a ponytail.

"Welcome to Angeline's Diner! I'll be with you in a moment!" I flashed them a smile and continued to take Table 4's order. They stood just inside the door, talking and laughing as they waited. I looked up at them and gestured for them to sit a Table 2. They took the hint and sat down. 

I walked over and introduced myself, "I'm Angeline! shout if ya need anything!" I made eye contact with the woman and her stare caught me off guard. Her eyes were sharp and calculating, like she was trying to make sure I wasn't a danger to her. But I noticed something while she was looking at me, her unusual gray eyes were shattered, like she had seen things that no human ever should. Her boyfriend grabbed her hand, clearly sensing her uneasiness. She relaxed and I gave her a kind smile. 

I decided to give them a moment before asking for their orders. Her eyes had reminded me of my husbands after that fated battle. But was it possible that they were...? The boy did have an aura of power about him, and the girl was clearly extremely intelligent. And with that blonde hair and those gray eyes? It was almost unmistakable.

I watched them as they spoke. They were clearly extremely close, and extremely in love. As I watched them I noticed the boy's appearance. His messy black hair narrowed him down to only a few options, but none of them explained the extreme power I sensed from him, unless... no, he couldn't be a Big Three child, could he?

They must have noticed me staring because he looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. I quickly walked over and asked them for their orders. They finished ordering and I began walking away until I heard him say "Wise Girl, what were you saying about Edesia?"

I turned around a looked him in the eye. "Why, if you had any questions about my mother you could have just asked me, dear." Their eyes widened

"You mean the goddess? the Roman goddess of feasts?" I nodded my head and smiled.

"That's the one, dear. She never was a very good mother, though I suppose those higher beings never are." 

"How did you know?" They had relaxed and were paying very close attention to my words.

"Well, that aura of power that you're emitting is quite noticeable, dear." I nodded my head towards the young man and he grinned sheepishly. He must've gotten that a lot. I looked at the woman. "And your blonde hair and gray eyes are quite recognizable." she nodded, clearly taking into account every word I was saying.

"But if you're a Roman demigod, then how could you recognize my features as an Athena child?" I laughed.

"I was quite rebellious when I was young. I always found out things I shouldn't have. Now, tell me, you're a child of Poseidon, no?" He blinked and then nodded. 

"My name's Percy." He held out his hand for me to shake and grinned. I took it and turned to the girl.

She laughed and said, "I'm Annabeth," We shook hands and I went to bring their order to the cook. 

I watched them from behind the counter for most of the evening. They talked and laughed and held hands and did everything couples their age did, but there was also a constant air of danger surrounding them. They never felt quite safe, and you could tell.

At around 8:30 they moved to the counter and ordered milkshakes. 

"So Angeline, how are you able to keep yourself safe from monsters? There doesn't appear to be much protection you." Annabeth asked, her eyes wandering over to Percy, who was slurping down his chocolate milkshake.

"Well, my mother is a more minor god so my scent isn't particularly strong in the first place, but there are enchantments around the place put there by some old friends, just in case powerful demigods such as yourselves, come in." Percy looked up from his milkshake and nodded. 

"That makes sense, we're a lot more common than you think. Like, last week, I found out that my old pediatrician is a child of Asclepius! Now that I think about it, that makes it a lot less confusing that she didn't question all of my weird injuries." Annabeth and I laughed and he soon joined in.  

We talked for a bit longer and then I had to go the back for awhile. When I got back, their bill had been paid, probably one of the other workers had served them, and in place of a typical tip were four golden drachmas.

Why hello! I am so exhausted rn! Anyways! I updated the cover! I'll probably tweak it later but it'll be fine for now! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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