Brady Lovell

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I sighed. The sheets of paper in my arms drifted to the ground. One of my students rushed forward to help me pick up. She swept her hair behind her ear and gave me a shy smile. I winked at her and hid my chuckle as she turned bright pink. 

Annabeth Chase darted into the room. She plopped her books onto her desk and sighed. 

Annabeth was one of my many problems as a young teacher. She was witty, too smart for her own good, and beautiful. She served as a constant distraction to many of my students and, to my dismay, myself.

I already struggled to gain respect enough, and the fact that I blushed every time I saw her didn't help. 

She slipped a pencil out from behind her ear and began to sketch something on her paper. I picked up the last of the papers from the floor and set them on my desk. The student who had helped me walked back to her seat and began staring at me. I ignored it and went back to observing Annabeth.

I barely noticed as the rest of the students filed into the classroom. The way she brushed her hair out of her eyes enraptured me. After some time, she set her pencil down and looked up at me. I hid my blush and turned to the board. I could feel her gray eyes staring at me.

The dismissal bell rang, and my students filed out of the room again. Annabeth gathered her books and stood.

"Anna-" I began, "Ms. Chase." I corrected myself. She tilted her head. "Do you have a minute?" I asked. She scrunched her brows.

"Oh, yeah. I don't have anywhere to be for a while." She said. "What do you need?" She set her books back down on her desk.

"Um, well," I stumbled over my words. "I was looking through some of your work and-" A sharp knock interrupted me. Annabeth whirled towards the door. She stood, looking ready to throw a punch for a few moments, then analyzed the figure in the door.

A tall teen around her age leaned against the door frame. He wore a swim team sweatshirt and pair of blue jeans. His messy black hair stood in all directions. A lopsided grin spread over his face.

Annabeth dropped her fighting stance. "Oh my gods," She said. She rushed towards him. He enveloped her in a hug and whispered something in her ear. "What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"Just thought I'd drop by, Wise Girl. No need to get all flustered." He chuckled. As he said it I realized her cheeks were growing pink. "Care to introduce me to your friend?" He said, gesturing to me.

"Oh! I'm, uh, I'm actually her teacher." I stuttered. He raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He asked. "You don't look a day over 18." Annabeth rolled her eyes. They gleamed in the light. I could see her hiding a smile.

"I'm 22." I snapped.

He raised his hands in a sign of surrender. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you." He offered his hand. "I'm Percy Jackson."

"Brady Lovell," I replied. I took his hand. It was strong and callused. Several scars marked his hand.  "How do you know Ms. Chase?"

"We go to summer camp together." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I scoffed.

"Seniors in high school go to summer camp?" I rolled my eyes. Annabeth crossed her arms, scowling.

"We're counselors." She said, turning to Percy. "Speaking of which, how's the new camper? You said you found her while you were... Running errands?" Percy nodded. "Any idea what her cabin number is?" She continued. 

"Based on appearance alone, I'd say 6." He said easily. Annabeth grinned. "She's got the eyes. And the sass." 

"She sounds like one of us." Annabeth affirmed.

"Ms. Chase?" I repeated, forgetting the presence of her friend. She looked back at me. "I looked over some of your work. Normally I wouldn't bring it up, but since you're usually so organized, I wanted to bring it up," She gazed at me patiently. "I noticed that you've written and doodled all over the packet I gave you. I just wanted to make sure everything is ok since you're usually so focused."

That was a lie. I just wanted an excuse to talk to her. Annabeth shook her head.

"I'm sorry, can I see it?" She said. I held out the assignment. Her hand brushed against mine as she took it. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

She examined the paper closely. Her cheeks flushed. 

"Wow, Wise Girl," Percy said, jolting me back to reality. He was there and he was staring at her paper. "I knew you had a crush on me, but the heart with our initials? I thought better of you." She reddened. I felt something inside me die. My star student liked this guy?

She punched his chest. "I hate you so much." She retorted. Percy crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"That's not what you said when I IM'd you last night." He said sweetly. Annabeth buried her face in her hands. He draped an arm around her shoulders and grinned.

I cleared my throat. They looked back to me.

"Sorry, Mr. Lovell. But yes, everything is fine. I was just worried about this Seaweed Brain. He has a habit of getting into trouble by running his mouth." At this she gave him a pointed look. "And when I'm not there to shut him up, I have a habit of losing my focus."

"Awwww, you're worried about me." Percy said. Annabeth flashed him a withering glare. 

"Only because I'd have to go back to teaching sword fighting by myself." Percy raised his eyebrows in question. "And dominating at capture the flag would be too easy." She conceded.

I ran my hand through my hair in exasperation. "You can go now, Ms. Chase." I commanded.

Percy grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room, saying, "Estelle is gonna be so happy to see you!" I heard their laughter fade as they ran down the halls. Annabeth's books still sat on her desk. I leaned back on my desk and sighed.

Huge thanks to @HejTjej for the request! I hope I interpreted it right! I decided to go with the subtly douchey attractive teacher who is creepily attracted to one of his students. I hope you guys hate him as much as I do lol. He was super creepy to write so I hope that carries through.

Thanks so much for all the support! We broke 6k reads recently which is absolutely insane!!


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