A Proposal

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"You ready to go, babe?" Percy called from the next room. Annabeth heard his keys jingle as she pulled on her boots. She approached the entryway and Percy frowned.

"You're almost as tall as me when you wear those, and I'm not sure how I feel about it." He said, gesturing to her feet. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"That's kind of the whole point of heeled boots, darling. Besides, how'd you think I felt when you outgrew me?" She asked, slipping her purse onto her shoulder. Percy shrugged. He slid his keyring into his pocket and pulled her out of their new house. Annabeth had to laugh when she noticed how tall the stack of cardboard on their curb was.

"I know, right?" Percy said, catching on, "Who knew we had that much stuff?"

"Hopefully it'll be gone in a couple days. I got an email from our new recycling company saying that they come by on Monday mornings." Percy nodded his understanding and they climbed into their car.

Annabeth shivered. The sun had not been enough to keep the approaching winter out of the car, so she pulled her navy dress coat around herself. 

Percy was jittery, more so than usual. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, then glanced at her at the stop sign out of their new neighborhood. 

Annabeth watched him carefully, studying the uneven rhythm he produced. He was nervous, and it drove her out of her mind to not know why. 

They spent the rest of their drive discussing the placement of certain furniture in the house and Annabeth's plans for paint colors (Percy was convinced that they should paint the entire house in different shades of blue). 

Percy pulled into a parking garage. As they emerged from the elevator, Annabeth took in their surroundings. It wasn't quite what she'd expected when Percy had told her that they were going out. Bright neon glowed on the pavement. Small restaurants buzzed with locals who knew where the good food was.

Annabeth took Percy's hand, then realized exactly where they were. Percy grinned.

He led her down the street towards the site of their first date. Annabeth crossed her arms, feigning annoyance.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, Wise Girl." Percy said, "I know you love this place." He was right. Ever since Percy had dragged her here when they were sixteen, she'd loved it. The deep dish pepperoni pizza at Razzo's was a thing of beauty. 

She suppressed her grin no longer, and they entered. The warmth of the place surrounded Annabeth. The pleasant scent of freshly baked pizza filled the small dining parlor.

"Jackson," Percy told  the waitress standing by the door. She nodded.

"You take reservations here?" Annabeth asked. Razzo's didn't seem like the type of place to bother with the formality.

"Not really," The waitress shrugged. "The name is Celia, lemme know if you need anything."

"A table would be nice," Percy said, crossing his arms.

"Corner booth," she gestured to the other side of the room, "Just there." She glanced at Annabeth, winked, and returned to her place by the door.

"So tell me Percy darling," Annabeth began as they settled into their seats, making her tone smooth and dangerous. "What is the occasion for such a lavish outing?" She smiled slowly as Percy squirmed. 

"You know," He glanced at the ground, "I just feel like we deserve a reward after spending all weekend moving." He nodded slightly, as if assuring himself that this was a good excuse.

Annabeth placed both her elbows on the plastic covered table. She interlocked her fingers and leaned forward slightly, looking her boyfriend in the eyes. He looked panicked, but his gaze didn't falter.

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