Frederick Chase

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I rapped on the door. The heavy, metal knocker was cold in my ungloved hand. The 'SOLD' sign in the front yard waved in the wind. I heard foot steps coming closer. I took a deep breath. 

I was expecting my daughter to answer, so my surprise was evident when Percy Jackson opened the door. It had been years since I'd seen the boy, and he had obviously grown. He was at least 6 feet tall, well muscled, with a mischievous grin plastered over his face.

"Leo! Finally-" He finally looked at me. "... You're not Leo..." he narrowed his eyes.

"No... I'm not. I'm here to see Annabeth?" He frowned.

"Wise Girl? Did you invite your dad?" My daughter peaked her head around the corner.

She smiled. It was a nice sight after so many years of conflict. "Dad! I didn't think you'd be here so soon!" she said as she walked to the door. "Sorry I forgot to tell you, Seaweed Brain. It completely slipped my mind." They shared a look that made me raise my eyebrows.

"I should IM Leo and see where he's at. He's like, 2 hours late." He walked back into the kitchen.

"Quick question: who's Leo?" She laughed.

"I have a lot to catch you up on, don't I?"

I tripped over a box, and Annabeth snorted as she caught me. We maneuvered around the mess, and into the empty kitchen.

"Want some coffee, dad?" She offered. Percy looked up from the box he was searching through.

"I don't think we've unpacked the coffee machine yet, Wise Girl." He said. Annabeth grinned and pulled out a kettle and a French press. Percy chuckled. "That's all well and good, but we can't make coffee if we don't have y'know... coffee?" 

Annabeth sighed. "Ugh, I really needed some." 

"I can run to Starbucks and grab some if you want?" Percy replied. Annabeth nodded vigorously. "What do you want Mr. Chase?"

"Oh, Frederick, please." I said. "And I'll take a tall iced caramel macchiato." Percy rolled his eyes but wrote it down. 

"Alright, I'll see you guys later! And I'll have coffee!!" Percy said as he left.

 Annabeth stared at the door for a few seconds after he left, looking distant. She snapped out of it, and looked to me again.

"So dad," She glanced around the kitchen, looking desperate for something to discuss. "How are Bobby and Matthew?" She awkwardly wandered into the bare living room and sat against the wall.

"They're doing pretty well! Getting good grades, neither of them have killed their math teacher yet, which is surprising." She laughed. It was a refreshing sound. I hadn't heard her genuinely laugh in a long time. "How's Percy? It's been a long time since he came knocking on my door looking for you."

She smiled at the mention of his name. "Percy's great. He's been such a big help moving in. I couldn't have done it by myself. I mean, I could've but it's his house too, so it would be a little weird if he didn't help." I raised my eyebrows.

"Wait, Percy lives here too?" Her eyes widened. She drew her knees up to her chest. 

"Did I say that out loud?" I couldn't help but chuckle. "I mean, I meant to tell you, but there just wasn't a good time, and I never have to do this stuff with mom because she just knows  everything and I just didn't know how to say it. I thought Percy would've spilled the beans by now, and I thought you would have figured it out." She blurted.

"Annabeth, slow down, what do you have to tell me?" She looked up.

"Dad, Percy and I are dating. I don't know how you didn't notice. I mean, we've been dating since we were sixteen. He-"

"Hold on! Since you were sixteen?!" She blushed and nodded, refusing to meet my eyes,

Just then, the door creaked, and Percy stepped in holding a drink carrier.

"What'd I miss?"

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long! I've been working on this chapter for way too long and getting no where lol. Thank you for all your support on everything! I cannot believe that we're almost at 4 THOUSAND reads! That's incredible and when I first posted this I didn't think it would get more than like 7.

All my love, Roo

P.S. Happy New Years and Happy Holidays!

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