11:46 (Harry Styles)

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Landon's POV:

Have you ever had that moment when you know that this is it? When everything you ever worked for, is now gone.


It's like a wave of déjà vu hit me. The strong smell of rubbing alcohol, the bright white lights, the frigid temperature of the room and the slow beeping on the monitor. I didn't want to believe I was back here, not again. The voices of doctors captured my attention as did a very familiar one. The words being exchanged weren't exactly friendly and welcoming as I began to interpret what they were talking about.

"What do you mean it doesn't look good?" said one voice.

"I meant exactly what I said." replied the other.

"You're the doctor! Do something! You're sitting in your office doing nothing while this beautiful fighter laying here in front of us is going through hell for the second time. You need to get your priorities straight before I do them for you."

I felt as if I wanted to cry, though I didn't have the energy. Remembering the first time was hell, being known as the freak that had problems, I dont think I'm ready to do that again. Hell, I know I'm not ready for that again, but it looks as though i have no choice. I felt a sharp pain come everytime a flashback came to mind. Too weak to even try and erase the memories, the pains began to grow numb. I opened my eyes to get a sense of my surroundings but my vision was as blurry and as dark as my eyes being closed were. My head was spinning, and my body felt as if someone threw me between a rock and a hard place.

I had began to have a tiny freak attack as the heart monitor had signaled everyone else to let them know as well. Instead of focusing on the chaos going on around me, I let my mind wonder. Knowing that this will be my second time going through this, and my ammune system is already in it's worst possible condition, death was coming closer by the second. Thinking was probably the only reason why I'm still alive at this moment. Am I ready to give up on the life I've learned to love? Am I ready to leave the people I love and care for so deeply? But most importantly, am I ready to leave the first boy that I have ever loved? Am I ready to leave such a beautiful person behind on this harsh and cruel place that we call home? No, I'm not, it's not fair for him.

"Sir please calm down there's only so much we can do." I heard the second voice again.

"Calm down?? Who the hell are you too tell me to calm down? My angle is lying there dying and you are sitting there not doing shit!"

It was as if the the room was spinning to many things were going on. I hardly survived the first time how am I supposed to go through this again? Suddenly I felt the comforting warmth I've grown so used to feeling. The long smooth fingers intertwining with my small, weak, trembling hands. Though it was a sense if relief, the pain was unbearable.

"God I love you so much Landon. It's okay to let go, just know that no matter what I will always love and I will never forget you."

My vison cleared enough to make a rough image of the figure in front of me. Almost as if I could feel the pieces scratching my insides, my heart shattered at the sight beside me. Seeing the image of Harry crying in my side, was the last thing I ever wanted to see. I gave him a little squeeze in the hand to let him know i was listening. He looked up from my side with tears streaming down his face while his hair was plastered to his forehead from the constent fidgeting and sweating. Though i was laying on my death bed, I couldn't help but realize how flawless he looked, no matter if it was the way he looked now. Only he can pull off the "Ive been crying for hours" look.

I slowly lifted my hand to place on his cheek, wincing at the pain only slightly. He brought his face to mine as he placed a small kiss on my lips, careful not to hurt me. As he pulled back, I looked at him carefully, taking in all of his features. Patting the small space on this bed, Harry obeyed my demand and curled up carefully beside me. Turning my head to face him once more, as my eyes began to droop and my breathing began to become irregular, almost as pants. I caught a glimpse of the clock behind him...


He looked up at me as if sensing my thoughts, and kissed me slowly, savoring the kiss. A tear sliding down his face as he curled back up beside me, trying to make sure every inch of him was touching me. Feeling the life leaving my body was the worse feeling ever. I looked back once more at Harry before my eyes fluttered shut for the last time.

11:46 (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now