Chapter 4

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Deserey and Amelia found a few board games and placed them along the floor as they looked them over, trying to decide which one to play first.

Amelia wasn't really paying attention, she was mostly staring at Deserey.

Deserey noticed her staring as she narrowed their opinions down to Monopoly and Shoots and Ladders. She blushed. "Do I have something on my face?" she questioned.

"Nope. Nothing. Um, what are the choices?" Amelia asked.

"Oh, okay," Deserey said. She shrugged and held up the two boxes for the games.

"Monopoly," Amelia said.

"Okay," Deserey said. She set out the game and the pieces for it.

Amelia smiled as she watched her. Then, it was almost like an otherworldly force took control of her as she leaned forward and kissed Deserey.

Deserey froze for a second, surprised. Then, she leaned into Amelia, deepening their kiss.

Amelia backed away, looking down, "what the hell?" She swallowed, she hadn't meant to do that, she was just thinking about Deserey a lot, and had looked at her, and the next thing she knew, she was kissing her. That might not end well.

"...Sorry," Deserey said, as she pulled away, even though Amelia had been the one who started the kiss.

"Its not your fault, I'm not sure what happened, I was looking at you, and the next thing I knew, we were kissing," Amelia said.

Deserey started fiddling with a strand of her hair. She nodded slowly, before awkwardly turning her attention back to the board game.

Amelia sighed, looking at the board, blinking tears out of her eyes, hoping Deserey wouldn't notice.

Deserey did notice, but she pretended she didn't. "So, um...wanna be the banker?" she asked.

"I'm not good at math. I know that's super stereotypical of a model, but stereotypes become stereotypes for a reason. And I'm really dumb," Amelia said. It wasn't true, not that she cared, she thought she was dumb.

Deserey shrugged. "Okay," she said, taking the banker cards for herself. "But you're probably smarter than you think. Not that I'm one to talk. I basically wrote the book on self deprecation."

Amelia smiled and said, "you remind me of someone I used to know." She looked down closing her eyes, obviously remembering something.

"Oh?" Deserey said, tilting her head curiously as she looked back at her.

"Yeah. She died though," Amelia sighed, remembering something she didn't want to remember.

"Oh. I'm sorry…" Deserey said. She looked down, thinking of her own losses.

"Yeah. She was the first person I ever told about my powers. She died in a meta attack when we were walking somewhere. I don't even remember where we were walking. It seems so stupid now. Probably a coffee shop or some shit," Amelia rolled her eyes at her own stupidity.

"My first girlfriend was shot and killed in front of me so," Deserey shrugged. "I guess I sorta know how that feels. It sucks."

"Yeah, it does," Amelia said. 'Especially when it's my fault.' She thought bitterly.

Deserey nodded slowly.

"Uh, we should play," Amelia said, changing the subject.

"Yeah," Deserey nodded again. "Yeah, good idea."

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