Chapter 8

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The months flew by. After the Pentagon robbery Mick, Ray, and Stein had gotten themselves captured in a Siberian prison. (Fortunately, they were saved.) 

Then, the Legends were briefly trapped in a future Star City that probably would never really happen anyways; and Mick and Leonard had gotten into a huge argument, resulting in Snart escorting his partner off the ship after he'd betrayed them for a group of people known as Time Pirates. 

After that, they took a trip to the fifties where Jax was almost turned into the Frankenstein equivalent of Hawkman. 

When they'd been preparing to leave the fifties, Chronos attacked the Waverider, hurtling the ship into the time stream, leaving Ray, Sara, and Kendra trapped in the fifties. It took some time to rescue them, but they'd managed. Oh, and Leonard had discovered the true identity of Chronos. It was Mick. Gasp! 

They'd kept him locked up while they dealt with some brat from the future who'd help Savage destroy the world or whatever. They were supposed to save the future by stopping him somehow. There was this big debate on whether they should have killed him or not. None of it mattered anyway. The events didn't change the future at all. 

At some point, Leonard and Mick had gotten into it again, and Leonard's face was all beat to hell. But that wasn't really the concerning thing. The concerning thing was when Mick started talking about how the Time Masters were going to send more people after them. 

His advice to Legends? "Run." 

So that's what they did. They ran all the way to the Old West. 

“Did these people realize exactly how much their clothes suck?” Amelia said to Des. She hadn’t said anything about their kiss and was actively avoiding any conversation about their kinda-sorta-relationship.

Des laughed lightly but otherwise didn't offer much of a response. She was still reeling with her own insecure thoughts. 

Amelia sighed and said, “I’m gonna kill this dress. I hate it!”

"It looks good on you though," Des said. 

"Thanks. Still hate it," Amelia said.

She shrugged. 'Fair enough." 

“Here is a gun, in case of danger,” Sara handed her a gun.

“Awesome,” Amelia said.

They headed out into the old western town with the rest of the Legends. 

Amelia was standing next to Des as they walked into the town. “Is it just me or does Ray look ridiculous?”

Des glanced at him and laughed a little. "He is pretty ridiculous." 

“I need a drink,” Amelia said.

"There's a Bar over there."

“Nice, lets go,” Amelia said. They headed to the bar.

Amelia was grabbing her drink, when she screamed and turned to the guy who had grabbed her ass. 

Des sighed when she realized what was happening. But she let Amelia take care of the asshole herself. 

“Back off!” Amelia yelled at the guy.

Soon a bar fight broke out. All the Legends (save for Mick who was passed out at the bar) joined in. It wasn't until a ranger with burns all over his face stepped in did they stop. The Legends ended up taking him back to the Waverider because apparently he knew Rip. 

There was a fair amount of arguing (go figure) and Stein had evidently met a young boy he wanted to save from tuberkulosis. Meanwhile, Ray managed to get himself elected sheriff of the town of Salvation and Kendra and Sara ran off to visit with a past reincarnation of Kendra who's name was Cinnamon. 

Deserey and Amelia were once again alone in one of their rooms. Deserey suddenly looked up. "So, are we a thing or aren't we?" It was a very ambitious question coming from her, since she had been nothing short of awkward for the last several months.  

Amelia blinked, taken aback for a moment by the other woman's bluntness. She didn't know that she could be that way. "Do you want to be?" 

Deserey shrugged. "Only if you want to be. I just…" She shrugged, getting a bit awkward again. "It's strange because I like you, but I don't know. I always ruin relationships somehow…" 

"I'm sure that's not true," Amelia said. Deserey looked up at her, and for a moment they locked eyes. They smiled at each other and in a silent agreement to try their hand at a relationship, they leaned forward, kissing each other. 

And while they had sexy fun times the others fought Chronos' former co workers and fended the town of Salvation against the Steelwater gang. 

Amelia and Deserey had no idea any of it was happening until they left the bed room and hour later and they were back in the temporal zone. 

After they were caught up (and teased a bit by their teammates) Mick and Rip explained about the Pilgrim and how she was going to attack their younger selves.  

It honestly wasn't that surprising. One tended to get used to death threats after a while. It didn't really take long to round up their younger selves either. They sent them off to Rip's mother's house while they had their showdown with Pilgrim. It was quite easy to take her down, especially with Amelia's abilities.

Once the Pilgrim was taken care of the Legends decided to head to 2166 to take on Savage and his crew once and for all. 

It was pretty dangerous. The Waverider was immediately shot at upon entry. The ship shook violently until Rip and Gideon managed to land somewhere safe. 

Ray fought a robot and saved a bunch of refuges, but they failed to kill Savage because apparently he had some brainwashed version of Carter with him. 

Amelia tried helping Kendra get him back to normal with her powers but it was no use. They captured Savage and put him in the brig. When Rip figured out he was using time travel, he decided to take him to the time masters. So, the Legends were presently on their way to the vanishing point, home of the time masters. 

Unfortunately, Savage managed to trick Ray on the way there and he escaped, attacking everyone. By the time they reached the vanishing point it was revealed the time masters were actually working with Savage and the Legends were apprehended.

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