Chapter 10

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After defeating Savage the team went back to 2016 again to have a montage of heart felt contemplations on whether or not they should continue traveling with Rip. 

On one hand everyone probably should have said, "nah man piss off." Because Rip was a lying bastard. 

On the other hand time travel was super cool. They'd probably never get to do it ever again...unless of course they joined team Flash but...that's a whole other set of problems now… 

In the end most of them decided to go and only a few decided to leave and lead normal lives or whatever. 

As the Legends were about to fly off into the time sunset like some SciFi version of Greece, another future version of the Waverider fell from the sky and stopped them.

"What's that?" Sara asked worriedly. 

"I have absolutely no idea," Rip said. 

"Another Waverider," Deserey said. "I mean...duh." 

"Yeah but why is it here?" Ray wondered. He gasped excitedly. "Maybe it's a future version of us!"

"Hate to burst your bubble but doesn't look like it," Amelia said. She pointed at the guy that was walking out of the ship. 

"Is this 2016?" the guy said. "Is this may 2016?" 

"Uh, no it's actually June 2016 but…" Deserey shrugged. "Close enough right?" 

The man nodded curtly. "My name is Rex Tyler and I'm here to give you a message." 

"Oh my god please tell me it's 'save the cheerleader save the world?'" Deserey snickered. Everyone looked at her funnily. "What?" 

"No," Rex said. '"It's not that. But you need to stay out of 1942. Or else you will all die!" With that, his body flickered and he disappeared from existence. Along with the other waverider. 

"Huh, okay so that happened…" Amelia commented.

Sara shrugged. "I mean we'll be fine as long as we stay out of 1942 right?" 

"Apparently," Rip said. He shrugged it off like it was no big deal but then again this sort of thing probably happened to him all the time. "Alright let's go then!" And off they went to save the time line and junk! Whoop! 

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