Find U Again

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This is a request from @aurihiprime ! Thank you!!


The first time he saw her was during his "Illuminate" concert in Miami. She stood towards the front of the stage with her little sister close to her side. Her hair flowed wildly down her back and she bounced up and down to every song without a care in the world. Her eyes shone in the blue light and her perfect heart shaped lips sang along to his songs. Her smile made his heart hammer in his chest. He had travelled the world on two world tours and seen millions of other beautiful girls, yet for some reason, she was the only one that made his heart beat faster. 

That night changed everything. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Not even after the tour. She plagued his mind as he wrote his upcoming album; the way her hips swayed to the music or the glimmer in her eyes. Every few nights he would try to find a new companion at a bar or club, usually brunette, in an attempt to get his mind off of her. 

"Holy fuck, who the hell is this girl, Mendes?" Brian asked. "She must be some goddess to get you so caught up."

Shawn groaned and slid his hands down his face. "You're going to think I'm so pathetic."

"Just tell me. Is it another singer? A model? You know I can help hook you up," Brian smirks.

Shawn gives Brian a forlorn look. "She's a fan ok? I saw her at my concert in Miami a couple months ago."

"Excuse me? You've never spoken to this girl before, it's been a couple months, and you're in love with her?"

"You said you wouldn't judge me! And, I never said I was in love with her!" Shawn whined.

"Well, according to half of the songs you've written for your new album, you are clearly in love with her.'

"Shut up," Shawn says as he glares at Brian.

When he goes on tour again for his new self-titled album, he swears he sees her in every crowd. When he reaches Miami, he can't help but hope that he sees her again, hopes to get her name or maybe just a glimpse of her. He's giddy with anticipation for this show and the whole team notices.

"Tonight's the night, isn't it? Time to find your dream girl." Brian claps Shawn on the back.

Shawn's so distracted that he barely hears Brian. He nods and goes back to fumbling on his guitar. 

When he appears on stage, the crowd is bigger than the last time he was here and the whole stadium lights up. And then he sees her. Her hair is clipped back and tumbles in waves down her back. She looks more mature and her body is full of womanly curves. Her eyes still light up the same way and her lips are still pink and beautiful. She's holding her sister's hand and smiling brightly. 

He starts to sing 'Lost in Japan' and she's bouncing to his music and screaming along to the lyrics. He lets out a slight chuckle while he sings and the crowd goes wild. The girls around her are going crazy because they all think Shawn is looking at them. She doesn't notice him though, lost in her dancing. He tries his best to avert his eyes from her once in a while.

When he makes it on to the B-Stage, he's looking out into the crowd to see where she's standing. 

"Well, tonight I'm going to have a special guest on stage tonight. Perhaps someone from the crowd?" He lifts an eyebrow and the crowd screams. 

His eyes land on her and she stares back into his eyes and his breath catches. 

"You in the white shirt," he says and points at her. 

Her eyes widen and she points at herself and mouths 'Me?'

He nods and extends his hand out to her. The crowd makes a pathway for her and Shawn's shaking so hard, he hopes that his palms aren't too sweaty. She looks at him through her long lashes and takes his hand; his whole body shivers at their contact. God, she's even more gorgeous up close. She blushes at his hard stare and looks around. All of the other girls are enviously glaring at her.

"What's your name?" Shawn asks.

"Camila," she shyly replies. 

Camila Camila Camila echoes in the back of his mind. He's been waiting for this for two years. 

He leads her to the piano and they settle on the bench. He looks at her as he starts to sing 'Life of the Party.' Camila's hesitant at first, but then she starts to sing too and he almost stops at the sound of her voice. It's so beautiful and so her. 

She looks angelic as she closes her eyes and sways to the music as the words of his music escape her lips. He can feel the heat of her body next to his. He doesn't want it to end, but then it's over. She smiles widely at him and plants a kiss on his cheek that makes the crowd scream. He's blushing so hard and he smiles back at her. He wants to kiss her so badly. She grabs his hand and says thank you before being escorted off the stage. He's pretty stardazed for the rest of the show, only thinking about her soft lips on his skin and her name. 

The concert ends and he's frantically trying to figure out how to find her. 

"Shawn! Why are you so panicky?" Alessia asks.

"I need to find Camila. I can't lose her again!" 

"Shawn, take a deep breath. We'll find her I promise," Alessia places her hands on his shoulders to try to calm him down.

The rest of the team is watching him and Brian motions the security guard to go find Camila. After a few minutes of Shawn leaning his head against the wall, dismayed at the fact he may never see her again, Brian comes over.

"Shawn, she's in the stadium parking lot. Security saw her heading down the elevator," Brian says.

Without a second thought, Shawn's running out of the stadium. 

"Shawn! The fans will notice you!" Brian screams, but he's already too far.

His heart is pounding as he stands in the parking garage and his eyes dart back and forth in an attempt to find her. The fans are awestruck as they watch him running around like a crazy man. Then he spots her just as she's about to get into her car.  Shawn practically sprints over to her, stopping the car door from closing. Camila looks up and her expression turns into surprise.

"Shawn?" she says. "What are you doing here?"

"Fuck, Camila, I can't lose you again. You've been on my mind since I first saw you on the 'Illuminate' tour. I can't stop thinking about you. Everywhere I go, I see you in the crowd," Shawn says as the words tumble out of her mouth. 

Sofi is giggling in the passenger seat and Camila's mouth is wide open. 

"W-what? Shawn you don't even know me."

"I don't need to know you to know that you're the only girl that's ever made my heart race. You're the only one I think about at 2 am in the morning. The only one who I write love songs about. You're the only one I want. Camila, I want you," he desperately says.

Camila gives him a shy smile and steps out of her car. She places her hand on his arm and stands on her tiptoes to reach his lips. She gently brushes her lips on his and he can't breathe. He pulls her so tightly into him, feeling every single inch of her body on his. She tastes sweet and he wants more. They only break apart to catch their breath. He touches their foreheads together, both of them panting lightly.

"I want you too," Camila says. 

Shawn just smiles and kisses her again.


oof i actually really liked this one! If anyone else has requests, don't hesitate to send them in! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Ang <3

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